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The Coronation

28 watchers
May 2023
10:29pm, 6 May 2023
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Enough please.
May 2023
10:50pm, 6 May 2023
103,258 posts
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Hold back guys:
Freedom of speech and expression, remember?
We are all entitled to our opinions on coronations, bunting and flagpoles.
No prejudiced ideas!
Just because the nay sayers seem to be the majority here is no reason to lash out!
May 2023
7:16am, 7 May 2023
3,200 posts
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I have a flagpole (well actually it came with the house that came with the job so technically not mine as such).

I sometimes fly flags. Mostly the EU one as it pisses some people off. I flew the union flag yesterday. Probably about my own acknowledgement of the day.

As I said. It's good that the day passed without serious incident. I hope anyone who went got home alright.

Fields has form elsewhere. I wouldn't take too much notice...
May 2023
7:34am, 7 May 2023
12,025 posts
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I wish the 'God save the King' idiots would just grow up. We don't live in medieval or Tudor/Stuart times where you are forced to swear allegiance. Our monarchy is entirely outdated. Whether you're for or against the monarchy, we still have one for which a lot of people are somewhat bewildered.

Surrey Phil I genuinely scratch my head at people like you and this whole ridicolous episode.

I have kept away from everything to do with it, I wouldn’t neccesarily say I am anti monarchy, I just struggle to understand why it exists. The only argument I ever hear is tourism money and that is a poor one. Most retailers would be around 25% down yesterday as well as having to give staff an extra days holiday, just so an odd man can wear a funny hat and ride in a gold car.

The vast amount of people looking on in envy are Americans with some kind of weird pull back to their origins. The French and Germans just can’t stop laughing at how ridiculous we are and that we still not only allow it to happen, but we actually embrace and celebrate it.

I do also wonder how the people whi moan about the police when they wear hats and do funny dances at Nitting Hill Carnival, they must be furious about the waste if military resources in London yesterday when most of them were just walking about and not sorting conflicts out.

Anyway, I’m off back to my place on team ambivalence.
May 2023
7:37am, 7 May 2023
12,026 posts
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Apologies for the typo’s, I am on my phone.
May 2023
7:47am, 7 May 2023
3,923 posts
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Pou Pou LePhoõk
England has the monarchy. USA has the 2nd amendment. Both ideas seem to be baked so deeply into the nation's psyche that a lot of people can't (or won't) see past it.
May 2023
7:55am, 7 May 2023
13,875 posts
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Alice the Camel
The French and Germans just can’t stop laughing at how ridiculous we are and that we still not only allow it to happen, but we actually embrace and celebrate it.

Just for the record, we have German friends visiting this weekend who enjoyed watching Coronation highlights on the TV and sharing afternoon tea. Not all the Germans are laughing at us.
May 2023
8:16am, 7 May 2023
4,328 posts
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I wish all the ‘you’re idiot if you don’t think this way’ people would grow up and allow conversations to carry on in a grown-up debatable manner.

Fetch has always been a place where people have been welcomed to share opinions in a safe space where they are allowed to air their views and should be allowed to without being degraded to being mentally subnormal.

If it makes you that angry and feel you need to insult people about their choices or ideas rather than having a descent discussion then maybe fetch isn’t the place for you?

This isn’t aimed at the last poster who used the ‘idiot’ word, but at a number of users on this thread who have acted pretty shoddily towards members of a community that they are involved in.
May 2023
8:20am, 7 May 2023
37,772 posts
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
I wish all the ‘you’re idiot if you don’t think this way’ people would grow up and allow conversations to carry on in a grown-up debatable manner.


I echo your opinion phal, so wish I had said it.
May 2023
8:21am, 7 May 2023
3,924 posts
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Pou Pou LePhoõk
Well said

I'm must say, I'm a bit confused about who are the idiots, is it the republicans or the monarchists?

About This Thread

Maintained by Muttley
So will you be waving your little union jack and pledging your allegiance and scoffing coronation chicken or quiche at a street party?

Or ignoring the whole bloated exhibition of flummery and forelock tugging to inherited privilege and finding more important things to do?

I'm in the latter camp :-)

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