Dec 2024
2:55pm, 21 Dec 2024
88 posts
HS Oh dear, hope that was just a passing twinge in your knee and nothing more serious. I'm so glad you have your water back on, I can't imagine trying to do everyday tasks without it.
We've very strong winds here again today, and it's looking like it will be the same tomorrow. If that is the case we will probably give our trail run a miss as it takes place in the forest, with the possibility of debris from damaged trees etc. The forecast looks much better for Monday, so although we've been looking forward to tomorrow's Xmas trail run it might be more sensible (and enjoyable) to run on Monday instead. We'll check the conditions tomorrow morning and decide then.
Dec 2024
4:33pm, 21 Dec 2024
16,685 posts
Aquarius, thanks, it's ok at the moment, so I will try a little jog tomorrow to see how it goes.
The strong winds haven't arrived here yet, but I believe that they are forecast. I think that you would be wise to give tomorrow's trail run a miss. The forest is a dangerous place during strong winds, and it's not worth the risk in my opinion. As you say, check the conditions in the morning to make your decision.
Dec 2024
9:36pm, 21 Dec 2024
623 posts
You had me confused with your waters arriving hillstrider. Glad you're connected again 👍 Windy parkrun and 10k today at saltwell park Gateshead.
Dec 2024
7:40am, 22 Dec 2024
16,690 posts
Thanks 00, yes the water was cut off for two days. Over 55,000 homes affected. Well done for yesterday's parkrun and 10k in Gateshead.
Dec 2024
11:40am, 22 Dec 2024
16,695 posts
I ran a solo 4.34 miles on roads this morning. The wind was 'biting' but thankfully, my knee was ok.
Dec 2024
11:04am, 23 Dec 2024
16,702 posts
I walked to the supermarket this morning and was there at 7am. It was already very busy. Goodness knows what it will be like later on, and Christmas Eve. Farmers Walk back.
Dec 2024
4:51pm, 23 Dec 2024
629 posts
I popped into M&S hillstrider, total carnage in yhe food department. Mild weather is on the way, a very unseasonal Christmas.
Dec 2024
7:06pm, 23 Dec 2024
16,705 posts
00, I remember my mother saying "everybody's going mad, they are only shut for one day."
Dec 2024
10:45am, 24 Dec 2024
2,833 posts
Sorry I've not been around for a few days - too much else going on
Hillstrider - I saw on the news your water had returned (with the proviso there might be airlocks in the system) .. bet you were so relieved you could finally have a shower. Margaret and I went shopping on Sunday morning and it was busy then (but not as bad as I have seen it!). I see you've been doing your regular farmer's walk and an easy 4ml road run. Sounds like that pain in your right knee went away and isn't causing you any issues.
Aquarius - I see it's been very windy with you recently and you had to cancel your planned run.
OO61 - well done re your recent parkrun and 10k.
Margaret had a physio appointment this morning and then plans to go and get some vegetables (everything else we got on Sunday). I have the cafetiere and and kettle on standby for when she gets back.
I've had a sore throat for the last couple of days - just hoping it doesn't turn into a full-blown cold. My back has also been aching - it started on Friday. I did wonder if I'd strained something swimming on Thu evening. But I think it's more likely down to lack of stretching and too much sitting around over the last few days.
Not a lot planned for today - just a couple of Amazon vouchers I must remember to buy and set up to be delivered tomorrow.
Dec 2024
11:47am, 24 Dec 2024
89 posts
HS Glad to hear your knee seems to be okay, hope it was just a passing niggle. We went to the supermarket yesterday, a bit later than we'd intended as we were looking after the grandsons while their parents did some last minute Christmas shopping. When we eventually got there we had to drive around for a bit until a parking space became available then once inside the supermarket it was dreadful. You could hardly get moved and a lot of the things I wanted were sold out. After a bit we gave up and headed for the tills, I tried to join the back of the self service queue just to be told by an assistant that the end of the queue was actually down the next aisle and the waiting time would be at least ten minutes. There must have been about 15 people ahead of us so we tried one of the manned checkouts and found one with only about 7 or 8 people in. It still took quite a while to get through. As you say the shops are only closed for one day but it was staggering to see so many overflowing trolleys. I felt really sorry for the staff having to cope with such mayhem.
0061 Well done for your parkrun and 10k in such windy conditions. I'm afraid we opted out of our forest trail run on Sunday, but had a nice run on Monday which made up for it.
WtnMel Sorry to hear you have a sore throat, I hope it doesn't turn into a full blown cold. It's almost traditional in our house to have a Christmas cold, I put it down to the shops being busier than usual and one in ten of the people in them having some lurgy or other. Actually Steve woke up this morning feeling full of cold and very croaky, so much so he's wondering if it would be fair to turn up at our son's for Christmas dinner as planned. He's worried about passing it on to everyone else.
As mentioned above we didn't go to our trail run on Sunday, the wind had died down a bit but there was ice everywhere, whereas I knew the forecast was a lot better for Monday (fair weather runner -:) ). In the event Monday was still very cold (-2) and frosty in places but as the wind had died down I actually had a very enjoyable 8 mile run. Garmin yet again decided to pack in at the same location oddly, and wouldn't go back on again. When this happened last Thursday I'd just completed 3.99 miles, yesterday it was at 4.99 miles, but as I'd added in an additional mile loop before then it turned out that Garmin failed at almost the exact location as on Thursday. When I'd finished my run I tried Garmin again and managed to get the "resume or save" screen so, like Thursday, I could at least save the 4.99 miles, but then I noticed that once it went back to the ordinary watch screen the clock was working but showing a time that was about 30 minutes earlier. Later in the day the time corrected itself but it wouldn't get the satellites. I don't know what's going on with it but felt enough's enough. I ordered a new Garmin from Amazon and it's just been delivered this morning. If Steve feels well enough for our Boxing Day run I'll try it out then.
On a more upsetting note I've just received a horrible email which I haven't opened but I can see from the preview lines starts with "Hello pervert" and tells me my account's been hacked and goes on to say "I'll be sending this mess...." but without opening it I can't read any more. My son say's he gets similar emails all the time on his work email address and said I should just ignore it, which I had intended to do anyway. But it's not nice.
On a cheerier note, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year x