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RW Mature Runners

12 watchers
Sep 2024
4:31pm, 24 Sep 2024
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Aquarius, thanks, yes we will take it easy in the forest.

That sounds like a tough session yesterday at the reservoir. Good luck with the next sessions and XC.

WtnMel, it must have been very embarrassing, wearing just a towel in the changing room.

Yes, it was a bit of a nightmare, the drive back from the parkrun.

It seems that your foot is much better now, doing that longish walk yesterday.

I used to be a fan of cryptic crosswords in my younger days. I used to do the one in the Daily Telegraph during my commute from Surbiton to Waterloo and Tottenham Court Road. I do the concise crossword now in "The I" and occasionally get all the clues.

I hope that you can find a more suitable choir.

The usual Tuesday Farmers Walk this morning.
Sep 2024
6:29pm, 24 Sep 2024
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Wtnmel what a shame about the choir but I understand. Would feel very odd singing Christmas songs. I went into a lovely pub last Sunday and had a fine lunch. I was amazed however to spot a Christmas tree with lights in the corner. I think they were promoting their Christmas menu.
The good weather continues in Keswick. A nice visit to Wray Castle today
Sep 2024
2:26pm, 25 Sep 2024
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0061, Sunday lunch in a pub is a real treat 😋

The visit to Wray Castle sounds interesting. I'm afraid that I have never heard of it 😕

A good session this morning with the Wednesday Group. 5.76 miles, including 5 x 100 metres, 5 x 200 metres with 30 seconds recoveries and 4 x 400 metres with 60 seconds recoveries. Run out and back. The session was on grass in the big field in Dibden Inclosure.
Sep 2024
6:11pm, 25 Sep 2024
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HS - when the reception lady arrived to unlock my locker, I wasn't bothered about being there in a towel. Was more concerned some other bloke, unaware, would come wandering out of the showers. But she was in and out of the changing in under 10 seconds! ;) Having done that cryptic crossword course, I took a look at the daily Independent one. The paper is online these days and suffice to say, having hit the 'solve' button to see the answers, and then having read the clues, I realised I would still not have any idea of how to solve them myself. The guy who ran the course supplied us with links to some 'easier' cryptic crosswords that are out there. Margaret and I do the concise crossword and codeword in the Independent which are not usually too challenging. Well done re this morning's session.

OO61 - I've been to Northumberland this time of year in the past and seen pub staff at the Premier Inn where we've stayed, wearing antlers to advertise (sshhhh ..) christmas. Must confess I've not heard of Wray Castle either :(

I went to the u3a General History group this afternoon and it was interesting, so I'll be going back next month. Today we were told about 'lost' towns in South Wales - towns that used to be very important but for historical/manufacturing reasons, have been superseded by other towns when industry has moved away or been superseded. I walked to the meeting (about a mile round trip?) in my new trainers and fingers crossed, my feet seem to be none the worse for wear.
Sep 2024
9:04pm, 25 Sep 2024
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Wray Castle is really a Victorian folly built by an industrialist on their country pile. It's now national trust and open free to the public. Really impressive until you get up close and realise it is not medieval but Victorian.
Wtnmel that sounds like a successful walk and interesting talk. There are many towns/villages around Durham which suffered similar decline in the post mining era.
We've had 3 days fine weather in Keswick but rain arriving tonight. Lots of walks and easy runs.
Sep 2024
10:26am, 26 Sep 2024
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WtnMel, I don't even attempt cryptic crosswords these days. I'm quite happy attempting the I concise one.

That u3a General History group sounds interesting.

Good to hear that your 1 mile walk in the new trainers was undertaken without any problems to your feet.

0061, I imagine it was a bit of a disappointment that Wray Castle wasn't quite what you had expected.

I'm not running today, as I'm feeling the after-effects from yesterday's tough interval session.
Sep 2024
12:43pm, 27 Sep 2024
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0061 I've hears of Wray Castle but have not got around to visiting it yet. Are you still in Keswick? If so I imagine you will be doing the parkrun tomorrow?

HS I prefer cryptic crosswords to concise ones, but tend to stick to the easier versions these days. Many years ago I worked with someone who tackled the Times crossword during tea and lunch breaks, and she got me into cryptic crosswords. Between us we used to attempt to complete the Times each day, but despite joining forces we very rarely managed to finish one. In those days the clues were often around literary or classical subjects, with quite a bit of cricket knowledge required.

I hope you are fully recovered now after what sounded like a rather challenging interval session.

WtnMel Cryptic crosswords can be rather daunting at first, but once you get to know the various quirks of the setters the mists start to clear. Having said that I don't like the Independent's cryptic puzzle myself.
Thanks for the tip about the mentoes/coke effect, I'll pass that on to Steve.

I hope you found your mum well this week, and had a decent stay at the PI.
Sounds like you made the right decision about the choir. I hope you can find something more suited to your taste.

We both ran at the Reservoir on Wednesday teatime (a bit of a spur of the moment decision due to having to fit quite a bit into this week). Managed to get my 6 miles done before the rain started, but was a lot slower than Garmin's target pace. Not too bothered about that as it's not ideal terrain for fast running. Currently waiting to see if tomorrow's XC is going ahead. This venue has been cancelled in the past due to the car parking field being flooded, so considering the recent heavy rain there's a good chance it may be postponed. If it is I think I'll do the trail running session instead, which is being held locally. I had originally thought this was taking place on Sunday, but re-read my email and realised it was actually on Saturday, so would clash with XC.
Sep 2024
1:42pm, 27 Sep 2024
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Aquarius, similarly, when I worked in London, my boss and one other person used to both do the telegraph cryptic crossword on the way to work, and then swopped to compare. This resulted most often in them completing them.
I have a book entitled 'The Daily Telegraph How to do crosswords faster.' I've just dug it out of my bookcase and see that I had worked my way through all 16 crosswords. I've had a look at some of them and have no idea how I solved all the clues.

Thanks, but I'm afraid I haven't fully recovered yet, and think that I might have pulled a muscle in my lower back. I'm ok moving around, as long as I don't bend down, or twist and turn. This results in sharp pain. I won't be doing the parkrun tomorrow which is a shame, as it's the one in Portsmouth, near to where I used to work.

Well done for the 6 miles at the reservoir on Wednesday. Hopefully your XC tomorrow will go ahead, but if not, it is lucky that you have a trail running session as an alternative.
Sep 2024
12:14pm, 28 Sep 2024
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Will catch up properly when I have a bit more time - we have Margaret's family here tomorrow for a birthday get-together so need to rearrange furniture/get chairs out of the loft.

All this talk of cryptic crosswords makes me remember Reggie Perrin, who used to do the crossword on the way to work. The rest of the train compartment were doing it as well and it was a race to finish first. In one episode, the rest of them beat Reggie because, as he said out loud .. "I don't know any Bolivian poets" :)
Sep 2024
12:22pm, 28 Sep 2024
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HS Sorry to hear you haven't fully recovered from that tough session, and you now think you may have pulled a muscle in your lower back. I hope it turns out to be a short term niggle and you get back to running soon. Very wise to give parkrun a miss today in the circumstances.

It always amazes me how over the years us RW Mature runners seem to mirror each other's injuries, but believe it or not when I got up today my lower back was really stiff and sore. I can only put it down to overreaching when I was cleaning windows yesterday as I can't think of anything else that may have caused it, nevertheless it means I'll have to give up on the idea of any running today. I'm really disappointed about that as I had this ambition to do all the XCs this season, but I've fallen at the first fence!

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Maintained by WtnMel
With the demise of the RW forums, several of us who used to chat on the 'Mature Runners' thread have been made homeless (I posted on it even though I am no longer a runner!). I have created this thread so we can continue chatting and I hope the others will find their way here ..
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