
7 lurkers | 214 watchers
Mar 2023
7:03am, 4 Mar 2023
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Yeah me too
Mar 2023
7:36am, 4 Mar 2023
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So Brexit was all about making NI special then? Is that what they all voted for?

I'm at loss.
Mar 2023
7:40am, 4 Mar 2023
14,399 posts
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They've lost their freedom of movement though (other than to Ireland, which we all still have).

I wonder what would have happened if the UK in full had been offered a similar deal?
Mar 2023
9:44am, 4 Mar 2023
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Johnny Blaze
I suppose in an alternate reality the Maybot could have “reached out” to Labour and the other parties to hammer out a mutually acceptable Brexit deal, which might have left us in the CU and/or the SM. With 100 MPs on board from the other parties she could have told the ERG to FRO and we would perhaps never have seen Johnson or Truss within a mile of the big chair.

However, she didn’t do that, and even if she had, her party could have split top to bottom, so we will never know. I rather think it would have been another shitshow as the tabloids went for her throat for betraying Brexit, and any retention of FOM would have left the racists and the xenophobia with an axe to grind which would have gone on for a generation. Farage would still be cluttering the airwaves and we’d probably still be in political turmoil. The whole thing has been a disaster which will leave lasting damage for decades.
Mar 2023
9:59am, 4 Mar 2023
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The fact that neither hard line Tory Brexiteers nor the opposition supported May’s attempts to obtain a deal that was as close as possible to frictionless trade suggests that the UK would not have accepted such a deal even if offered. From the EU perspective, I think the EU were more prepared to accept this degree of ‘cherry picking’ in the case of NI for the sake of the GFA, but would have been reluctant to give this to the entire UK. However, if the negotiating had been less antagonistic, both parties might have had the wit to see that an amicable agreement along these lines for the entire UK was the best that could be obtained in the circumstances.
Mar 2023
11:09am, 4 Mar 2023
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The UK was antagonistic in negotiations very deliberately - the theatre was more important than the outcome, because all outcomes were going to be worse than what we had before and it was important to be seen as tough and British to appease the kipper wing that would otherwise collapses the Tory party. And if it wasn't done that way, oxygen would be given back to Farage.

Which is a long way of saying what has been said many times - it was all about the Tory party rather than best national interests.
Mar 2023
12:04pm, 4 Mar 2023
8,821 posts
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A shame the negotiations weren’t given a chance under a 2017 Labour government really. I’m sure McDonnell would have been heavily involved and a better outcome would have been achieved. Still we will never know.

Can probably thank the Labour right and Owen Smith (now lobbying for big pharma) for that
Mar 2023
6:03pm, 4 Mar 2023
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Engaging the youth - two different approaches

Mar 2023
6:09pm, 4 Mar 2023
7,449 posts
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If it was just the youth voting then that would work. Corbyn lost two general elections. The rest of the British public simply do not engage with him.
Mar 2023
6:21pm, 4 Mar 2023
8,824 posts
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Who exactly do you think Starmer engages? As for disregarding the young, shame on you

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