Apr 2019
1:21pm, 24 Apr 2019
41,457 posts
We have a strong core of "career volunteers" at local parkruns too. My ratio is just under one volunteer credit per three runs, but many of those have been tail walking. eL Bee! almost never runs, but often volunteers when I'm running.
Apr 2019
1:23pm, 24 Apr 2019
18,574 posts
71 runs. 69 vols. Decent enough ratio. That suggests that my runs overtook vols only very recently.
Apr 2019
1:25pm, 24 Apr 2019
7,256 posts
My mind can't quite cope with the maths at the moment - but if, for example, everyone did actually do 10 runs / 1 volunteer, how many surplus volunteers would there be theoretically?
Apr 2019
1:30pm, 24 Apr 2019
13 posts
I volunteer once every three months which would mean close to or at a 7.5:1 ratio (although tail walker counts twice by that method).
Apr 2019
1:34pm, 24 Apr 2019
27,402 posts
We don't have many DofE volunteers. Only two in the last year and both have finished. One still comes, though.
Apr 2019
1:37pm, 24 Apr 2019
2,646 posts
I'm on 256 runs and 65 volunteerings, I think about 45 of those have been non-running or VI guiding roles, which, rightly or wrongly, I think of as more valuable to the event.
Apr 2019
1:39pm, 24 Apr 2019
9,637 posts
mrs shanksi
I've done 78 runs & 60 volunteer stints including RD 27 times. We have 2 DofE lads at the moment but we often have up to 5. We have my Dad as a regular volunteer, he's done over 100 vols and about 5 runs. And Torry Quine has done more of both. Our average attendance is 46 so no funnel issues... Yet 😀
Apr 2019
1:51pm, 24 Apr 2019
10,655 posts
4.7:1 run/volunteer (my page says differently, but it doesn't know about forgotten barcodes and unrecorded volunteering)
Apr 2019
1:56pm, 24 Apr 2019
1,459 posts
We have a good churn of DofE volunteers - one of our current 'batch' brings her Mum so we get two for the price of one - and a small number of folk who volunteer but never run. It takes all sorts.
Personally, I'm on 88 volunteers for 110 runs but nearly half of those volunteerings have allowed me to run too so not quite as committed as it sounds. Also, to counter Goofee's thought, I see every occasion I get up early to do the pre-event set up (before having a run) as being just as valuable to the event as those occasions when I RD or deliver any other role. In my mind every role has equivalent value.
Apr 2019
1:57pm, 24 Apr 2019
231 posts
As an RD at one event and then an ED at another I think I have in the region of 75 official volunteer stints for 175ish runs but then I do a whole load of helping out every week that I am there that's never been recorded (nor would I expect it too). I volunteer for my own selfish reasons not for outward recognition of what I do.