Open Water Swimming

1 lurker | 135 watchers
Sep 2018
9:26am, 4 Sep 2018
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It's not really an event as such, so you wouldn't have to train. It's more about swimming with friends in the dark. It would be great if you did want to do it next year. It's the 500m loop, and you are only allowed to do three loops, although my friend did 4 because she's super fast and they know her. It's only so the water is clear by 9.30. I'll try to blog.
Sep 2018
9:47am, 4 Sep 2018
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I'd love to do a night swim. Maybe we should have a Fetch one?
Sep 2018
6:29pm, 4 Sep 2018
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I have blogged.
Sep 2018
9:48pm, 4 Sep 2018
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Lovely blog, Linds.

I got back in the lake today, hurrah! Why have I not been for weeks and weeks? (I do know why, and the drive there in the rush hour has a lot to do with it :-( ). But once there, even on a very gloomy day like today, it was very enjoyable. I just need to rebuild my confidence to get further out into the lake. I used to swim with a buddy round the 750m course but she's so much faster than me now I can't expect her to plod along with me. The other thing is that this year they replaced the big minion shaped buoys with much smaller ball buoys, and my sighting has completely gone to pot anyway - the little buoys don't help but I suppose I'll get used to them!
Sep 2018
8:46am, 5 Sep 2018
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Thanks LD.

As you say, probably just a case of building your confidence back up. You know it's worth it :)
Sep 2018
1:39pm, 5 Sep 2018
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Small buoys are difficult, lose rhythm looking for them. but I know you can do it, LD, but it’s just difficult after losing whole OW season after the complicated elbow break. It’ll come back quickly.

Love the night swim blog, thank you Linds
Sep 2018
8:14pm, 5 Sep 2018
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Sep 2018
12:16pm, 6 Sep 2018
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Had my first wetsuit swim on Monday - very different feeling! Worth it to stay in for an hour and not get cold. Don’t think I got the arms on far enough, and forgot to make sure the zip guard was in place, so that was a trickle of cold down the spine when I got in. Crawl was easier than breaststroke, but I was all over the place when I tried - how often do people usually check/sight?
Sep 2018
12:29pm, 6 Sep 2018
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Little Nemo
I normally sight every 6 strokes, I make it part of the turning my head movement for breathing. It feels much easier to do one side so I have to make an effort to use the other side for some of the time.
Sep 2018
12:43pm, 6 Sep 2018
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It's supposed to get wet on the inside (otherwise it'd be a drysuit).

I sight about every 6 or 9 strokes. I am terrible for sighting just on the left side, although I do try to use the other. I can tell when I'm trying to swim a bit too hard, I start to zig-zag.

About This Thread

Maintained by Nick Cook
There didn't seem to be a thread devoted to open water swimming, so I thought I'd start one.

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