Apr 2018
10:12am, 30 Apr 2018
6,636 posts
Extraordinarily stupid Monday morning question here!
My wetsuit is here! I can't tell if it fits though. I can zip it up relatively easily BUT i found it difficult to get my arms and legs in properly so I found it hard to move easily. I'm not sure if I just didn't put it on correctly (I've only used a wet-suit once before) or if its too small.
How should you get a wetsuit on? especially the arms and legs, I don't want to pull them too hard but I think it felt as though they were sticking when I was trying to pull them up.
Sorry I'm a total imbecile :D
Apr 2018
11:35am, 30 Apr 2018
2,710 posts
It’s really difficult the first time, (I nearly sent one back 😂) the legs need to be eased right up, starting at ankles, to crotch. This takes ages. Next, pull, stretch & ease the body well up almost to your waist & install arms, then same easing & pulling the suit right up under arms, maybe leaving some wrist & ankle exposed if necessary. Before I put mine on I do the zip up a couple/few centimetres, it makes it easier later.
Hopefully someone else will come on here with more help/advice. The best thing is to have the help of someone experienced the first time.
Apr 2018
11:37am, 30 Apr 2018
2,711 posts
Oops sorry forgot you could do it up, encouraging, I would think it must be the right size
Apr 2018
12:31pm, 30 Apr 2018
22,346 posts
I have never been able to do the zip up on mine by myself. Partly because of my whale-like physique but even more so these days, because of poor RoM in my arms. I'd quite like a wetsuit with a zip on the front rather than round the back but presumably there are sound hydro-dynamic reasons why it's always at the back.
As ferret says, it can take ages, especially with a brand new wetsuit, to get it fully up and onto your legs and arms.
Apr 2018
1:56pm, 30 Apr 2018
6,637 posts
Thank you both. I think I might not be pulling the legs/arms up enough so i'll have another go. I couldn't do the zip up myself but Mr Jambomo did it up for me and said it was easy enough and he hadn't had to pull the sides together. He's not the sort of man to just be nice about that kind of thing either
First OW swim tomorrow night, I am mega excited and can't wait to try the wetsuit out!
Apr 2018
4:52pm, 30 Apr 2018
22,844 posts
Sounds like it fits perfectly to me! Enjoy it.
May 2018
11:04am, 2 May 2018
147 posts
Hi Jambomo. I am not a wetsuit user, but in the past when I have used drysuits for diving I have put talc on the cuffs to ease getting in and out. Not sure if this is likely to help or not.
May 2018
2:38pm, 4 May 2018
11,232 posts
Plenty of suit lube helps!
A lot of gentle pulling the thing up inch by inch into your niches !
each suit is different, you will learn how hard to pull on it. It really is an experience thing.
I'm hoping to take the plunge on Sunday, website says water temp 12.4 so maybe 2 swim hats ;-0
May 2018
2:41pm, 4 May 2018
8,510 posts
Little Nemo
May 2018
2:42pm, 4 May 2018
8,511 posts
Little Nemo
Oh, that smiley didn't quite work!