May 2020
2:15pm, 3 May 2020
2,330 posts
Are smaller squares feasible, or does the accuracy of gps become an issue then?
May 2020
2:16pm, 3 May 2020
4,977 posts
Yeah, what's the plan now, Mr Fetch?
Do we wait until the end of the month, as planned, to start the next game, or go sooner? I don't know about everybody else, but I haven't filled my hiding grid very well yet, so I wouldn't have many options if the next game started on Monday, but maybe if it started *next* Monday, I'd be able to do get enough of to give me a reasonable chance.
Whenever the next round starts do we keep the grid the same, or change it? A larger grid might require more team work amongst seekers, which I think was part of the original idea, right? But it would potentially make the first seeker's job really tough.
Another option might be to keep the grid the same, but run multiples games with a maximum number of players per game - maybe 50 or so? (I'm not at all motivated by the possibility that in that scenario Sam and I might be in different games and not playing against each other, honest).
Whatever changes you do or don't want to make, this was fun!
May 2020
2:19pm, 3 May 2020
10,085 posts
That is a good point daemons raemond maybe we now all need to work on filling in our squares gosh so much to think about.
May 2020
2:50pm, 3 May 2020
18 posts
So if I'm reading this right, I was in the final pair? Not too bad considering, how inactive I've been recently!
Congratulations to @Sweetie on your win, and to @Sam Jelfs on finding my secret underground(*) lair!
(*) Actually, it's neither secret nor underground, but, well, you know...
May 2020
3:10pm, 3 May 2020
23,960 posts
I’m not at work tomorrow - we have some urgent family stuff to sort - but I think it’s likely we’ll have games more frequently. And some tweaks to the rules.
May 2020
3:22pm, 3 May 2020
1,674 posts
Suggestion - just to see how it goes - how about we start over at midnight tonight (or maybe tomorrow night) to see whether the game is any different during 'the week' rather than at the weekend? Hiders have the option, between now and when we start, of either picking a new place based on what they've done in the past three days or defaulting to the same hiding place as before.
If nothing else, it gives Fetch a bit more data to play with and a few days to come up with tweaks beneficial to making the game run for longer.
May 2020
3:45pm, 3 May 2020
100 posts
If the game had taken longer, I was going to suggest some sort of "Minesweeper" style visuals to demonstrate how may seekers are in the rough area of the squares that have been explored. But clearly that's not necessary and the seeks don't need any more help
May 2020
3:46pm, 3 May 2020
101 posts
Maybe if there were multiple hiders per square, only one could be found per seeker/ per seeker's run? Maybe on a first to hide there, first to be found basis? Not sure how that could be shown o n the grid though
May 2020
3:59pm, 3 May 2020
5,819 posts
There could be something to be said for keeping this roughly once a month? To keep it from becoming all consuming, build anticipation and to allow the other games a look in. Maybe weekly!!
May 2020
4:04pm, 3 May 2020
34,122 posts
I also like the idea of monthly rather than weekly. I had imagined it would seem more of a slow burn in the background rather than a few days of furious activity!