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New Fetch Game: Hide and Seek

140 watchers
May 2020
8:58pm, 3 May 2020
646 posts
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Take care family fetch x
May 2020
8:09am, 4 May 2020
1,846 posts
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Really enjoyed this game and can see me getting right into it. I wonder if there are some tweeks that can be made though. I'm thinking out loud right here, so this could be nonsense or it could be the spark to give someone else a good idea which will actually go forward.

I feel like once I've done a run, doing more runs to hide further doesn't really benefit me. There are 1,600 squares to hide in. Whether I run in 10 of those in total, or 800 I still choose just one and have the same chance of getting caught.

Given that every square can be searched quite easily, we had no real chance to escape the finders. I would have liked to have tried to survive to the next month.

What if there was some sort of mechanism, meaning we could spend the rest of the month hiding again. For example, if you're not caught on the first pass you could go for another run and re-hide in any of the squares you run in this time round. For example:

Run to activate squares (as it is currently)
Hide. Re-hide as often as you like until the 1st of the month (as it is currently)

1st of Month:
Your hide grid is blanked out (meaning you cannot move your hiding spot)
Seekers come looking
Run to re-activate a square and be able to move your hiding spot into it
When you choose your new square your hide grid is again wiped
You need to go for another run to activate more squares if you want to move again

This would encourage hiders to watch the game and use tactics; having some control over whether they get caught or not. It would keep the grid alive (with squares needing to be searched again); perhaps squares could read the number of days since last searched or something. It would also mean that I need to get out for some exercise in order to stay alive in the game.
May 2020
8:29am, 4 May 2020
23,962 posts
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Thanks all. I should be back at it tomorrow.
May 2020
2:23pm, 4 May 2020
369 posts
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ishep 🇪🇺
Good thinking, RR... I too was wondering about some mechanism for changing your hiding spot. In real-life hide and seek, you could decide to move, but it would be risky, making you vulnerable while out in the open. Not sure how to mimic that in the game. One idea I had was to make your new hiding spot bigger for a short time, e.g. you pick a new square, but for the first hour, say, a seeker could find you if they run though any of the surrounding squares.

Your idea of needing to run again to earn a move could have the further requirement of running through your current hiding spot if you want to move... so you have to go and "pick yourself up" and then choose somewhere else on your route to drop yourself.

Showing the time since a square was last searched would probably have to be in hours, rather than days. Or maybe it could be coloured, from hot (recent) to cold (not for a while)
May 2020
2:27pm, 4 May 2020
370 posts
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ishep 🇪🇺
Maybe those two ideas could be combined:

If you want to move during the active game, you have to run through both your current and new hiding spots, but having made the change, for the next hour, ANY of the squares that you ran between the two spots could trigger you being found. So there would be strategy in a) deciding whether to move at all, and b) doing so in short bursts only, to minimise your vulnerability
May 2020
3:24pm, 4 May 2020
2,333 posts
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Despite the fact that this was over a lot quicker than anticipated I think it has to be classed as a success. We don’t want to over-complicate it. The simplicity is certainly part of the attraction for me.

That being said, perhaps a 50/50 chance of being converted into a seeker or allowing an “escape” might prolong things a bit. Eg Fetch discovered Pothunter, but he escaped would allow me to hide somewhere else. Might need to adjust the balance early game to give the first seeker a bit of a chance!
May 2020
3:31pm, 4 May 2020
17,879 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
I like simple.
May 2020
3:44pm, 4 May 2020
20,981 posts
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How about a seeker can only discover one person per activity? It might need tweaking to allow more discovered up to the first few, or it might take a while.
May 2020
3:50pm, 4 May 2020
23,963 posts
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I like the idea that, if rumbled, a hider has a fixed amount of time e.g. half an hour to relocate.
May 2020
3:52pm, 4 May 2020
32,959 posts
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♪♫ Synge ♪♫
But presumably only in an unsearched square?

About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
Here's the barebones of the new game:


How it works
The game generates a big three mile square with you at the centre. The square is cut into a grid of 1600 smaller squares.

During any given, unlock as many squares from your grid as possible (C19 permitting) by visiting them during your training. These are the places where you can 'hide'. Before the month is up, you must choose one of these squares as your hiding place.

When the first game kicks off (1st of the month), a lone seeker must start finding people, by visiting the squares. When someone is found, they become a seeker too. The seekers can then collaborate to flush out the hiders, and a growing army of seekers hunt down the final hiders.

The last person to be found will become the seeker for the following month.

I am still building the game. Keep following this thread for updates as I make them.
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