Love: mine is Zero

1 lurker | 20 watchers
Dec 2019
8:56am, 29 Dec 2019
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Great thread Sharkie. I've been running most days in December (very unusual for me) but looking forward to taking it back to three days per week with rowing for cross-training and a greater emphasis on the stuff that I tend to neglect (core & strength).
Dec 2019
8:56am, 29 Dec 2019
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Dec 2019
9:26am, 29 Dec 2019
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I am off to track any minute but have 'ahem' a TOPIC for today,mainly inspired by comments from Autumn Leaves and Mrs.J.

Sunday is a Day of Rest... no way!

Sunday is more traditionally a day of big efforts: the Long Run for distancers, long or particularly hard track reps for sprinters like me. Sooooo - I wonder if AL will find it particularly difficult or strange to take a rest day today? (She’s just run four days in succession).

And Mrs.J says ‘Mondays are my rest days, it is very rare for me to change to another day, I expect to train 5 days per week, I already know what I plan to do on Monday and will report back.'

Do you plan in a certain day like Mrs. J? Does it depend on how you feel?
Mondays or Wednesdays work for me.
Dec 2019
9:27am, 29 Dec 2019
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OOPS! Forgot to close my itals after the second word of the post!
Dec 2019
9:28am, 29 Dec 2019
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I'm off to do 11 miles now. I'll have a think about what it would feel like to rest today instead but I suspect I won't be able to concentrate on flexibility until after the marathon! A schedule is life for me at the mo.
Dec 2019
9:37am, 29 Dec 2019
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Perceptive! Sunday is usually long run day - but I knew it would be tricky to fit one in so moved it to Friday (normally my rest day). For me, rest days need planning in as much as the rest of a training plan does. Or they are too easily set aside.
Dec 2019
9:59am, 29 Dec 2019
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I found it difficult to transcribe a half marathon training plan on to my calendar because it meant having to formalise rest days in advance rather than just waiting for them to happen. I think I have a script that reads, "If you don't run today when you could run you might wish you had when life gets in the way tomorrow when you should run."
Dec 2019
10:22am, 29 Dec 2019
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I tend to plan week by week - I have an overall plan, but definitely adjust it to fit life, and increasingly how I feel. The odd extra rest day - or at least non-running day - has done me the power of good recently.
Dec 2019
11:12am, 29 Dec 2019
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I used to do long runs on a Sunday but bf is a postie so Sunday is the only day we get to spend together so I know I can switch my long run to a Saturday when I start properly training.
Dec 2019
12:32pm, 29 Dec 2019
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Long runs are on a sunday for me apart from when the marathon plan calls for a tune up race, hard to find races on a Saturday so switch long run to Friday or Saturday.

Just back from 13 miles and looking forward to my rest tomorrow.

About This Thread

Welcome to what may be the least watched, least contributed to, thread ...ever.

It's for everyone (well, me) that thinks real Rest Days are vital and a grand thing in themselves. And for everyone (well, me) who feels that one day at a time DONE WELL is always better than half arsed for-evers.

There will be RULES of course (my ball, my game)

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