Love: mine is Zero

20 watchers
Dec 2019
4:10pm, 28 Dec 2019
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Welcome to what may be the least watched, least contributed to, thread ...ever.

From the team (well, me) that brought you the Anti Lent thread* I proudly present the Anti Streak thread!
It's for everyone (well, me) that thinks real Rest Days are vital and a grand thing in themselves. And for everyone (well, me) who feels that one day at a time DONE WELL is always better than half arsed for-evers.

There will be RULES of course (my ball, my game)

* Do a New Thing for Spring - back for a fifth glorious year end of Feb-ish 2020.
Dec 2019
4:39pm, 28 Dec 2019
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Love Lettuce
My head likes the idea of a streak but based on efforts to date my body definitely doesn't. For my (first) marathon training next year I've built 2 days a week with no running or strength training into my plan, and an XT day when I will swim. Big fat Zero days...
Dec 2019
4:43pm, 28 Dec 2019
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That is BRILLIANT, Lettuce - and the best way to improve your fitness: rest days plus cross training.

I don't think streaking of any nature suits everybody - either physically or mentally. If it does suit you, all well and good, but I find it easy to get obsessed, then anxious, then overtrained or over committed or both. Great.
Dec 2019
4:44pm, 28 Dec 2019
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Dec 2019
4:50pm, 28 Dec 2019
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*applauds* - I am a great believer in rest as a neglected part of training. I will be resting tomorrow as I have run 4 days on the trot now and it is enough!
Dec 2019
4:54pm, 28 Dec 2019
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If you are - I hate to/have to use this word - 'serious' about training, and put the effort in on the other days, then really giving your body a chance to recover, repair and grow stronger has to be a good thing doesn't it?

I have NOT been good at the above in the past and am making a real effort ATM hence I thought a thread would be a nice idea.
Dec 2019
4:59pm, 28 Dec 2019
23,050 posts
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I need to break my streak of non running days!!!
Dec 2019
5:08pm, 28 Dec 2019
33,716 posts
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Merry Christmas & Happy New G(rrr)
Oooh, I'm the one that posted "I think Marcothon is silly / dangerous" on the Marcothon thread. So I think I'm with you!

Each to their own and all that. But certainly for me, at my age, my wishing not to be injured etc. REST and RECOVER are PART of my TRAINING!

Our Tracking Total Training Time thread is quite good for actively recognising recovery - whether it's Yoga, Stretching, some Strength and Conditioning work, a gentle swim or spin bike to loosen legs, a brisk walk with heart rate raised, but very little strain on legs, lots of ways to do Active Recovery.

That's how I view it anyway. But each to their own. Streakers are... special! :-P :-) G
Dec 2019
5:23pm, 28 Dec 2019
29,368 posts
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
As far as I can remember I do not believe I have run 7 days in a row, there aren't any running training plans that I have ever followed that require 'streaking' I am 100% supporter of the anti streak thread :-)
Dec 2019
5:31pm, 28 Dec 2019
15,427 posts
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Me too! I was tempted by the Hansons thing of running 6 days a week training for a half marathon earlier this year and was broken in no time. Now I run 4 days a week, strength train twice and lounge about the other day (not really, I actually go to work that day). Rest is really important in my opinion.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
Welcome to what may be the least watched, least contributed to, thread ...ever.

It's for everyone (well, me) that thinks real Rest Days are vital and a grand thing in themselves. And for everyone (well, me) who feels that one day at a time DONE WELL is always better than half arsed for-evers.

There will be RULES of course (my ball, my game)

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  • streaking

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