Love: mine is Zero

1 lurker | 20 watchers
Jan 2020
8:49pm, 12 Jan 2020
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My rest day will be Wednesday, although I will be doing the beginner session, but week 1 is only a few minutes of gentle jogging.
Jan 2020
8:56pm, 12 Jan 2020
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it may have this, Sharkie
Jan 2020
8:56pm, 12 Jan 2020
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"have been" ffs...
Jan 2020
8:57pm, 12 Jan 2020
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Being an occasional culture vulture in later life cuts risk of dying early, a major study from University College London (UCL) has found.

Over-50s who went to museums, the theatre, concerts or exhibitions every few months cut their risk of premature death by 31 per cent.

And even people who enjoyed cultural activities less frequently - just once or twice a year - had a 14 per cent reduced risk of dying during an average follow-up of 14 years compared with those who never engaged with the arts at all.
Jan 2020
9:22pm, 12 Jan 2020
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Love Lettuce
Today's my rest day. I had a lie in, visited my parents, have been doing so organising round the house of the satisfying variety (including washing 6 sets of running/gym gear from last week!), and did a bit of gardening. I'm feeling restored, and my RHR is back in the 50s. I have not engaged with the arts today, but will see if I can factor this into future rest days!
Jan 2020
9:41pm, 12 Jan 2020
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Today has been my rest day. 2 dog walks and schlepping around out of town sheds has given me 10000 steps, but I have done little else apart from read or Fetch from the sofa. I'm feeling more tired now than I would usually at this hour though.
Jan 2020
10:34pm, 12 Jan 2020
32,687 posts
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I have been bloody active today, so tomorrow I shall rest, although I need to walk to get to where I need to be.
Jan 2020
8:28am, 13 Jan 2020
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Surely those studies are corollaries, not causal? But they must have allowed for non-causal data, surely? Gallery and theatre goes - surely more money, more spare time, mobility, access to transport, probably better educated, from more privileged backgrounds etc. Surely all those things give you greater life expectancy? Or are they claiming that they've allowed for all those and just looking at a dinosaur or a Caravaggio immediately cures your heart, lungs or cancer?

Rest (from running) day here - so some gym tonight, with much needed foam roller and stretching to ease of some leg and back tightness. :-) G
Jan 2020
8:32am, 13 Jan 2020
14,526 posts
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Social prescribing - next big thing for arts, culture and sport. Mr AL had first person attend Halle Community Choir last night 'on prescription'.
Jan 2020
8:34am, 13 Jan 2020
15,660 posts
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I read the article, Happy, it's a lot more nuanced than that. They take income into account. And speaking as some who doesn't earn enough to pay tax (ie my income is less than £11,000 pa) I would hard call myself advantaged!

About This Thread

Welcome to what may be the least watched, least contributed to, thread ...ever.

It's for everyone (well, me) that thinks real Rest Days are vital and a grand thing in themselves. And for everyone (well, me) who feels that one day at a time DONE WELL is always better than half arsed for-evers.

There will be RULES of course (my ball, my game)

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