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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Aug 2023
12:00pm, 2 Aug 2023
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I've turned into someone I don't recognise. I joined the gym in January as I needed access to heavier weights and I quite enjoyed it, but the 3 x sessions a week were a bit erratic at times. I didn't prioritise them.
This morning, after not much sleep and hearing the rain pouring, it would have been easy to stay in bed. But I got up at 7am to do my resistance session at the gym and really enjoyed it. Apart from the hip thrusts. My first time trying them with a barbell and I had to search around for 2 matching big diameter 10kg weights so I could get the bar over my legs. Too faffy so I'm going to use the Smith machine for that next week.
Meanwhile, I:
increased my deadlift from 30kg last week to 40kg this week (3 x 5)
upped the chest press machine to 22.5kg (3 x 10 just)
did 16kg goblet squats (3 x 10)
hammer curled 7kg (3 x 10 just!)

and seated row machined 25kg (3 x 10).
It is rewarding to see all the weights increase this week and my shoulders are gently "feeling it" now :) This is the 2nd week of consistent training and I'm building back up to where I was in March/April. I'm enjoying it so much. I think going when it isn't busy helps and I've been able to get on all the equipment I need without hanging around. It would be less enjoyable if the gym was busy.
Aug 2023
12:13pm, 2 Aug 2023
21,644 posts
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I LOVE hip thrusts but they are a faff to prepare!

You are now what a believe is termed a Gym Bunny. xx
Aug 2023
12:19pm, 2 Aug 2023
23,706 posts
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Haven’t they got a hip thrust machine? So much easier than trying to setup a barbell and bench.
Aug 2023
12:26pm, 2 Aug 2023
1,129 posts
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I use a fixed weight barbell (small diameter weights) for my hip thrusts by sitting on a bench with barbell resting on hips. Then lower myself down to have shoulders resting on bench to do reps.

Saves all the faff of setting up a barbell with big diameter weights.

I believe you can use the hamstring curl machine for hip thrusts, I remember my instructor mentioning it and I did once see a girl doing that. Not sure how to set it up though.
Aug 2023
12:32pm, 2 Aug 2023
23,707 posts
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I was intrigued by that so looked it up, I was imagining a seated curl so couldn’t work it out, turns out you need the lying curl!
Aug 2023
12:51pm, 2 Aug 2023
1,130 posts
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Meglet thanks for that. I think I might try that on the machine next time. 🙂
Aug 2023
2:04pm, 2 Aug 2023
25,638 posts
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They don't have a hip thrust machine or a lying hamstring curl machine at my gym.

I hadn't thought about setting it up from the bench, Shades - good tip!
Aug 2023
6:26pm, 2 Aug 2023
6,280 posts
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Joining a 24 hour gym is what has got me going regularly and enjoying it. I go early morning when it's nice and quiet. Also, I have to drive to the gym (it's only 15 mins at that time of the morning), so I just have to wake up enough to get in the car. Once I've done that, well, I can't really chicken out, so I emerge 1.5 hours later, gym done, ready to start work and feeling virtuous.

I will say it was difficult to get to the car this morning as it was so torrential, and my 15 minute journey to the gym was over 20 minutes because I couldn't see properly even with the wipers on double speed. 😐
Aug 2023
11:20pm, 2 Aug 2023
11,549 posts
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GM, your TOTP post really makes me smile. You have a great deal to be proud of in this unrecognisable version of you :-)

After a long day at work, this was the first thread I came to read and it’s so positive today :-)
Aug 2023
5:43am, 3 Aug 2023
25,640 posts
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Lol @ being a gym bunny, Sharkie.

Thank you, Cath. Your post made me smile 😊

Thanks for sharing the link, Meglet. It got me researching and I found this one using the leg extension machine (albeit, she has the bar too high up), which I might have a try of when the gym is quiet

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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