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Ladies Who Lift...

97 watchers
Aug 2023
3:53pm, 1 Aug 2023
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The fingers on my left hand are partially fused due to osteoarthritis so can't make a fist with this hand, so can't get a proper grip to do pull ups. Deadlifts don't seem to be a problem though and my best so far is 3 x 5 reps at 52.5kg
Aug 2023
9:02pm, 1 Aug 2023
11,547 posts
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I’m still working up to a pull up… and have been able to deadlift above body weight in the last couple of years. I wouldn’t attempt it right now as I’m not in the right condition and my back is a bit ‘tweaky’.
Aug 2023
7:52am, 2 Aug 2023
103 posts
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So reassuring for this newby to weight training to hear how some of you impressive lifting ladies still struggle with pull ups and push-ups 😤 I can still do neither unaided even though I’m making OK progress in other areas (deadlift 2/3 my weight now and can bench press with the ordinary barbell not the ladies 15kg …). Thought it was just me ha ha. Think supplementing my whole food/veggie diet with 30g vegan protein powder a day is finally helping. Or maybe just consistent training. Or more likely the combo!
Aug 2023
8:03am, 2 Aug 2023
21,638 posts
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I'm thinking (ha ha, thinking) about more upper body work this winter (NOT ha ha, winter!) as I'm going to concentrate more on throws next year. However there's going to be a lot of dance form September too... and who ever saw a ballerina with hod carriers shoulders?

Obvs that's a nonsense, there is SO far to go with strength gains before anything will be remotely visible on my actual body.

Think I've only attempted pull ups once. It was with my then coach Chris (who some you might remember as Marlon) and with the aid of a big resistance band. He did say my almost hyper mobile shoulders were a biota an issue. But that could be nonsense!

Must try press-ups on steps a la Gimme!
Aug 2023
8:13am, 2 Aug 2023
64,733 posts
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Throws, ballet, weights ... it will be interesting to see what happens with your upper body shape, Sharkie. As you say, there's likely to be minimal visible change relative to your strength gains. Age, being female and not eating a calorie surplus will reduce the likelihood of ending up looking undancerlike.
Aug 2023
8:13am, 2 Aug 2023
45,245 posts
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saw something on insta yesterday and tried it today
I have a long resistance band so looped it around my pullup bar and used that to assist with press ups
It did make a difference but still really hard but meant I was doing proper ones as such!
I also did some light weights this morning as I want/need to get back to it
Aug 2023
8:18am, 2 Aug 2023
64,734 posts
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Well done, DrMags. Consistency and eating enough are absolutely fundamental to progress in weight training. Are you enjoying it?
Aug 2023
8:45am, 2 Aug 2023
105 posts
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Funnily enough, Velociraptor, it just struck me this morning that I want to go to the gym today (rather than managing at home with body weight and the few (small) dumbbells I have) as I can get a more thorough workout :-) I DO seem to be enjoying it!
Aug 2023
8:47am, 2 Aug 2023
21,639 posts
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The exercises in the very good and up to date book I've bought - 'Strength and Conditioning for Dancers' are all demonstrated by a male and a female member of the Dutch National Ballet. The girl is using all the equipment -dumbbells, squat racks, lat pull etc that I'm used to in a gym. She also does assisted chin-ups with a band on a rack - the descriptions and explanations are particularly useful.

My lat pull down isn't bad 3 x 8 at 31.5kg I think. It's weird about press ups and the like.
Aug 2023
8:56am, 2 Aug 2023
9,864 posts
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I love my weekly weights session. I've never once thought, oh I just can't be bothered. I've only missed it when there's no option. I would always choose it over a normal training run or bootcamp session, if I had to drop something.

About This Thread

Maintained by Sharkie
... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us
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