Ladies Who Lift...

95 watchers
Jan 2023
1:37pm, 10 Jan 2023
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and obviously this is where a gym is better as it's easier to up weights!
Jan 2023
1:44pm, 10 Jan 2023
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I'm fortunate cos Mr Ness lifts much heavier weights than I do so increasing the weight is quite easy for me.
Jan 2023
1:45pm, 10 Jan 2023
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Only with dumbbells though. I spend ages lugging plates around and fixing them to the bar at the gym I use. 🤪

The convenience of equipment at home more than makes up for any disadvantages. Unless you have a really handy gym - or a really good routine about going, the people who have a good set up at home - Teebs, Vrap and Ness spring to mind - seem to make the quickest progress.
Jan 2023
1:48pm, 10 Jan 2023
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My old gym is convenient as it's a 0.25m divert if that on my commute

I used to swim 3 times a week
but I'm not motivated enough to use the gym and feel a bit self conscious too
hence I stopped
Jan 2023
2:01pm, 10 Jan 2023
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I used to be self conscious when I used hotel gyms, Pix, but then I realised that anyone in them doing proper training would be too busy focusing on what they were doing to notice me. If they were checking me out, they weren't doing proper training so not worth taking any notice of.
Jan 2023
2:01pm, 10 Jan 2023
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Thanks Shark the Herald Angel
Jan 2023
2:03pm, 10 Jan 2023
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very true
oddly I don't feel at all self conscious when running even if I don't look good and what you say is exactly what I think!
Jan 2023
2:04pm, 10 Jan 2023
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Having PT has made me much more confident in hotel gyms these days. Or maybe it’s being over 50 and having fewer f**ks to give - who knows…

At the end of the day most people in any gym are much more focused on what they are doing, and possibly trying to make that look good for other people to see, rather than what anyone else is doing.
Jan 2023
2:12pm, 10 Jan 2023
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I know! It's a stupid thing to think feel and I know it's daft!
but a non issue now
Jan 2023
6:55pm, 10 Jan 2023
24,071 posts
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I follow someone on instagram (American PT) who was talking about warm up sets vs working sets. This made me think that I'm doing too much lower weights and should aim to do fewer sets and reps but heavier given I am normally short of time I'm not sure how best to approach this. Typically I would do 3 sets 1 lighter set and 2 heavier all of 10-15 reps he was saying that the working sets should be 8-10 reps to near failure (so a proper rest) would I be better doing 1 warm up set with my heavier weight then 2 sets at a higher weight but less weights?

EvilPixie, I don't know if this will help you.
My PT has me doing 8 reps x 3 sets, usually to RPE 9 or 10. When I can, I increase the reps, building up to 18. When I can do 18, I increase the weight.
That's the theory; the reality has been different :) It took me quite a while to recognise how much I can lift. I was using 3kg for bicep curls and floor press and when she saw my video, she told me to at least double the weight. I had thought 3kg was about right, but she was correct; I upped to 6kg for biceps and 9kg for floor press before "getting" how RPE 9 feels.

With the floor press, it has taken me 3-4 weeks to see progress at this new weight, but I've increased from 6 reps in the first week to 8 in the 2nd and now 12, so in the next couple of weeks I'm expecting to be ready to increase the floor press weight; I'll be changing to barbell from dumbbell then too. I'm making slower progress with the bicep curl, but can do 3 x 8 reps at 6kg.

Don't be afraid to up the weight until you find the point that is close to your limit, then work from there.

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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