Ladies Who Lift...

95 watchers
Nov 2019
9:07am, 19 Nov 2019
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Nice work EB.

Love the Olympic lifts.

Haven't felt up to going to gym after work the last few weeks. Taken my stuff with me a few times but by the end of the day just felt like rest was the best choice. It's probably just getting back used to running mileage so hopefully will feel more energised in the evenings soon. The good news is the morning runs are fine.
Nov 2019
9:20pm, 19 Nov 2019
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early bird
Ok I'm on a role can't believe it but another two pb's tonight!
My previous 'one rep max' on a push press was 32.5 kg. Tonight we did 3 push press, 2 jerks then 1 split jerk and had 14 minutes to work up to a heavy weight. I got to 35kg! No one rep max that was five consecutive lifts no putting the bar down allowed. I started on 15kg and worked my way up so feeling very happy with myself on that and pretty sure my one rep max push press is higher than that if I did 5 lifts at that ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

After that we did a little workout WOD as they're called of rowing, skipping and sand bag lifts. I have always struggled to lift the sand bags but tried and mostly failed....... Tonight that sandbag went right up to my shoulders ๐Ÿ’ช Apparently they have 'filled it up' too since I last tried it. I asked how much it weighs as I really have no idea nothings written anywhere on it. The reply was 35-40kg not as heavy as I thought but still a pb so happy bunny here. Have to take the pb's when you can. I did whimp out a bit on the weighted planks though and just used the 10kg weight not the 15kg. I should have done the 15kg tbh I didn't struggle with the 10kg need to have more faith in my ability.
Nov 2019
10:05pm, 19 Nov 2019
8,217 posts
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Oh yes, eb!! Bloody great stuff :-)
Nov 2019
10:19pm, 19 Nov 2019
4,983 posts
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That's totally brilliant eb. Well done :)
Nov 2019
11:10pm, 21 Nov 2019
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EB you are on a bloody roll! Fucking excellent work on those PB's, you are seriously strong (but then you know this)

We are having another comp next spring. PLEASE get your box to come down to it!!

I have happily switched to 80% powerlifting, for the next 10 weeks as I train for quadzilla (again, WHY do I do this to myself). As long as I can keep 30-60 miles of running, I can get my 3 hours a week of barbell love in
Nov 2019
11:29pm, 21 Nov 2019
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You do this because you love it, Max... and because youโ€™re slightly masochistic ;-)
Nov 2019
4:22pm, 22 Nov 2019
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early bird
Thankyou everyone ๐Ÿ˜Š
Thanks Max I'm nowhere near 'proper' strong in crossfit terms really but I'm pleased with myself. Much prefer weights to CARDIO and gymnastics though give me weights and I'm happy. I'm looking forward to getting back to attempting some heavy stuff now that the open is done. I'm still trying to achieve my first box jump! ๐Ÿ™ˆ I can do 14" and I'm slowly working my way up from there. I have bought a 16,18 and 20" box so will get there..... Eventually..... I hope. I have a lot of stuff I'm not good at I only post my success not my failures!

I agree with Cath, Max you do it because you love it and I see the passion the you have.

I can mention the comp last time it was short notice and a lot of people had other stuff on.
Nov 2019
9:23am, 23 Nov 2019
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early bird
Another pb ๐Ÿ˜ฎ 25kg over head squat as part of a snatch complex.

I'm really happy and don't expect anymore pb's now for another year ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
Nov 2019
7:23pm, 23 Nov 2019
41,947 posts
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Top lifting EB, you're on fire at the moment! :)
Nov 2019
8:46pm, 23 Nov 2019
1,694 posts
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YES EB! :)

About This Thread

... a weights wire for women.

And in case you're wondering about that title, well, I like alliteration and one can be too po-faced about the use of girl/lady/woman.

Here's a strength standards for women thing Duracel found for us

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