Nov 2018
10:19am, 9 Nov 2018
2,624 posts
OK, so thinking about designing myself a Wolverine prog...
Would it go something like: Mon L1, Tue L4, Wed L2, Thur L4, Fri L3, Sat L4, Sun rest or gentle cross training? There would be 3 different pieces each for L1, 2 & 3, repeated on a 3 weekly basis. Also 3 different L4 pieces, each repeated weekly. Paces based off current 2k (2.00 / 500) and incrementally shortened each week by say a second. Redo 2k T/T every 4 or maybe 6 weeks. This is pretty much what I've been doing since end of September, but would be more formalised working to specific workouts / paces rather than just doing random interval & s/s workouts by feel.
Nov 2018
12:16pm, 9 Nov 2018
210 posts
20 minutes done at slightly faster pace than regular steady rows. As per The Plan.
Glad today's a rowing day, because 'tis rather wild outside.
Nov 2018
12:45pm, 9 Nov 2018
33,338 posts
Well done Muttley.
Mousey, are you able to view my training plan? I got quite a sense of deja by reading your intentions for an adapted Wolverine plan.
Nov 2018
2:05pm, 9 Nov 2018
2,625 posts
Nellers, I can see what you’ve done but not what you have planned - does Fetch have that function? Anyway good to know I’m headed in the right direction.
Have done a little more reading and realise there is more progression / structure to the L4 pieces. I will probably KISS for a few more week then factor in specific stroke rate / variation as I go along. It’s going to be a bit trial and error, but hopefully I’ll find my way in time.
Speaking of deja, did you ever look at the HADD running protocol? There is a thread on Fetch. I followed it for a while some years back and there are similarities.
Nov 2018
2:06pm, 9 Nov 2018
2,626 posts
Nice work, Muttley!
Nov 2018
3:09pm, 9 Nov 2018
33,339 posts
Mousey, if you go to your own training plan there should be a drop down to select other fetchie’s plans.
Nov 2018
3:12pm, 9 Nov 2018
2,627 posts
Right-o, thanks.
Nov 2018
6:23pm, 9 Nov 2018
33,340 posts
Mousey, sorry mate. I had to add you as a buddy then open the plan for you to view through the Buddies List. Done now. You should be able to see what I've got in mind now.
Nov 2018
7:22pm, 9 Nov 2018
741 posts
Jef, you need to get your PB on the list on the right. I feel a bit of a fraud sitting on top of the list based on a 13 year old time which I couldn’t possibly get anywhere near at the moment
Nov 2018
7:57pm, 9 Nov 2018
33,341 posts
PH, its called a PB, not a PBITLFY (Personal Best In THe Last Few Years). You're at the top of that table because you've hit that time and none of us have.