The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free.
But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient.
Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead.
Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?
Andy, a proper pasty should still be intact after being dropped down a mine shaft. But I make sure to have bag to wrap mine in, so's it doesn't get soggy from my sweaty back
Indeed, what's with Nellers, he's missing in action.
I'm getting there with the back but it's slow and I don't think I'll be getting on the rower for another couple of weeks. Managing some biking and yesterday I did some press ups! That was exciting!
And if training can't outrun a bad diet, sitting on the sofa definitely can't. I've put on half a stone in 4 weeks! There's some work to do when the Physio lets me.
Ah-ha, there you are. Positive vibes in your direction for that back to repair itself a bit quicker.
I feel your pain regarding weight gain. I was laid up for 3 months once, under house arrest with a tube in a place I'd rather not discuss in polite society. In the middle of winter. It was cold and dark, and I was not a happy bunny. I comfort ate. Over those 3 months and the following couple when I could at least move around post-surgery, I put on 3 stones. And despite all my efforts, some of it I never have managed to shift
A gentle 10000m UT2 this morning. Feet well planted, better pace than usual for same hr (in my case up to 128, I ease off when it reaches 125).
Am I the only one who pampers the erg? After each session I clean and wipe down the monorail, ditto the seat wheels (they're still white!). I also clean the footholders and replace the handle in the cage carefully. I hope she will appreciate how lucky she is to have found me instead of being parked and forgotten in the dusty corner of a gym, or being thrashed daily by musclebound 6-ft 16-stone rowing club types in the boathouse. And that she will show her gratitude with some nice shiny pb's.
5 x 5 minutes with 3-min rests, at 24 and 26 spm alternating. Pleased to say that each subsequent rep at the given spm was faster than the previous. Good practice at higher spm for the new slightly shorter but more efficient (I think!) stroke.
Yup, a bit of water and kitchen towel for the rail and roller each time is my habit. Hate it when a tiny bit of "something" gets on there and gives repeat bumps/clicks all the time.
Does this still get logged as Indoor rowing?
Still warm after work, so made the most of it. Million metres badge, newly arrived, now in view.
An emergency dental appointment yesterday after two days of throbbing unpleasantness means I'm on antibiotics, so I just rowed without worrying about pace today.
Very nice pastoral scene. I hope nobody's got planning permission for it!
For me just a standard 10,000m at UT2, metres in the bank. Pace half a sec quicker than last time at same hr, so that's gratifying. Doesn't sound much but equates to 15 secs.
No planning permission out here in the hills Muttley! We're in the muddle of nowhere, but 10-15 minutes from everything (motorway, work, parkrun, 2000ft hills, supermarkets, etc.)
Found a delightfully tough session this evening, with 10 x 4 minutes (no rests), starting at 2k+23 pace and r20, speeding up by two seconds each interval. That last one at 2k+5 r28 was a sweaty finish. Highly recommended. I love the way that anyone (that can row for 40 minutes) can have a go at this by dialling their own current 2k splits in.
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