Mar 2020
2:32pm, 17 Mar 2020
12,164 posts
Hubby went out for a little bit for an errand. Very quiet on the roads today.
Mar 2020
2:34pm, 17 Mar 2020
4,765 posts
The Scribbler
Nice to hear from you D2 - can we send virtual treats to Indi too?
Rosehip, I think many of us have loved ones we worry about with all this. I hope yours stay safe and well.
Jenny that sounds like a lovely run. Working from home does open up more opportunities for me to run, so I'll be getting out early and enjoying the quiet time tomorrow.
Swit - I'd forgotten about your trip! Hope everything else is recovering too. I had to go to my GP surgery today and I've never been so aware of people breathing near me in the waiting room.
Mar 2020
6:29pm, 17 Mar 2020
1,964 posts
What a lovely thread, thank you Scribbler ❤️ The coronavirus thread is not helping me, and I must stop looking at it so I'll swap it for this one.
Being on lock down in Spain is actually quite stressful, I don't know why, but we're both feeling it. I sneaked out for an illegal run today and although it was good to be on the trails, I still felt quite uneasy.
Mar 2020
6:32pm, 17 Mar 2020
61,535 posts
Scribbs: thanks for the thought - unusually, the tooth hadn't come out as the result of me falling. It's a crown, and the pillar had loosened. Dentist warned me I'd need a more robust solution next time it came out!
Mar 2020
6:38pm, 17 Mar 2020
38,769 posts
Derby Tup
Feeling downbeat. I hate uncertainty and being physically well, plus as fit as I’ve been in years to now have this to contend with is like the blackest of jokes. I do feel marginally better for going out for a short walk with the dog. The only other folk out on foot had canine company too
Mar 2020
6:39pm, 17 Mar 2020
16,300 posts
Thanks for this Scribbler Fetch is a safe place x
Mar 2020
6:52pm, 17 Mar 2020
12,166 posts
DT, the uncertainty is the annoying part of all of this. Thank you Scribbler for creating this thread. Hi NSC, hope things are going well.
Mar 2020
7:28pm, 17 Mar 2020
5,433 posts
Eynsham Red
I’m popping into work for a brief period tomorrow to give a handover, then I shall be “social distancing” until it’s deemed ok. I think that current thinking is twelve weeks. It’s going to be an interesting time finding things to do. I will be able to go outdoors and intend to run and cycle a bit more than usual. I do need to set myself some challenges and establish a routine because otherwise I’ll just “veg”! Hopefully my wife and I will continue to get along as well as we do now when a few weeks has passed 😀
Mar 2020
8:32pm, 17 Mar 2020
15,333 posts
this is just so nice, thanks Scribbler
I took control today, started the process of prepping the back garden for better fruit and beg production - I used to be good at it before I started working in a school! Now I have time I should use it. Only one more event in my calendar that hasn't declared a cancellation or postponement yet - not holding out much hope - so taking the positive from (whoever it was, oops I forgot!)
"All those races I wasn't fit enough for have been kindly postponed until I'm ready :-)" time to make long-range plans to get properly fit
Mar 2020
8:54pm, 17 Mar 2020
4,767 posts
The Scribbler
Trin it is lovely to see you here and doing what you can to stay positive in very trying times. It’s not about pretending everything is wonderful, but sometimes a safe space to acknowledge how we’re feeling is a good thing in itself.
Yes northernslowcoach, Fetch feels like a lovely safe place, not just now but always.
DT uncertainty is unsettling, especially when you add in anxiety too. I am finding that given a little time to mentally process it becomes less scary.
ER take care of yourself and I hope you find some structure to help you get along. I just learned this week that a writer friend of mine had a transplant some years ago so she’s in the same situation as you re isolation.
Rosehip, the garden sounds like a great project. How nice to think you could be eating something you’ve grown.