Hey Fetchies how are you?

36 watchers
Mar 2020
6:33am, 18 Mar 2020
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Anxiety is high, mood is low. I'm going to sign off Facebook to try protecting my mental health. Don't like seeing it every time I go to see what my friends are up to.
Mar 2020
6:36am, 18 Mar 2020
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Eynsham Red
Sending positive thoughts PH. (I can’t really do anything else). I can hardly begin to imagine the issues and stresses that you and others in the medical profession are having to deal with.
Mar 2020
6:40am, 18 Mar 2020
51,175 posts
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plodding hippo
Thanks ER. It's the uncertainty that's the worst.
Mar 2020
7:54am, 18 Mar 2020
12,170 posts
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Take care PH. Purps, I've been shutting down most people on FB, except for those I want to keep in touch with (family/friends in Canada).
Mar 2020
9:05am, 18 Mar 2020
15,340 posts
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I keep FB, because Messenger is so useful - but I'm having to mute lots of people.

going to see mum today - the advice was "from this weekend" our oldies should stay home and not have visitors. Mum is used to going to U3A and her garden groups and her Friday lunches, etc, but as long as the weather lets her be in the garden all day, I think she'll be alright. - She can't come here because my menfolk are at risk of bringing the virus in with them sooner or later.
Mar 2020
9:06am, 18 Mar 2020
15,341 posts
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Use us to vent Hipps :)

Think we need a completely Coronavirus free thread to talk about happy things too
Mar 2020
9:19am, 18 Mar 2020
1,972 posts
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Glad your trip is going well gg 😊
Thinking of you PH x

I'm glad it's not just me muting people on Facebook

It's my youngest grandson's 1st birthday today, we were supposed to be over there. But at least my daughter has agreed to let me see him and his brother on Skype later
Mar 2020
9:19am, 18 Mar 2020
4,769 posts
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The Scribbler
Too many messages to reply to individually this morning!

Thoughts are especially with anyone working in the health service at the moment and I think we all have some understanding of how much care you take for your special patients PH.

As others have suggested a limited exposure to anxiety increasing media can be helpful. I'm just using mine to check in on friends and family and not mindlessly scrolling. Instagram still has lots of lovely pictures though :-)

Rosehip - why don't you start a 'not the Coronavirus thread'.

However you feel - anxious, worried, upset, calm, resigned or the million different shades and colours of emotions we all feel sometimes, that's okay. You can share that here. Or keep it to yourself.

Keep being excellent to each other.
Mar 2020
9:27am, 18 Mar 2020
26,455 posts
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What a lovely thread
I feel anxious about 3 of my brood - Middle boy in Leicester with his girlfriend, both still working - it‘s a bit difficult to be an archaeologist from home, Youngest boy in Falmouth having broken his toe, really not getting the situation and thinking he can still muck about with his mates and showing no inclination to come home, and Girl over in New Zealand on her own - she‘s only 19
Mr HB is 70 this year, he‘s still going into church - we want to keep the building open as long as possible for anyone who wants some solace.
Eldest has been WFH since yesterday but hasn‘t actually managed to access their network yet!
We‘re trying to keep the foodbank going, but as more volunteers are either ill or self isolating it becomes more and more difficult - I really fear for our clients if/when we‘re forced to close
I‘m also feeling in limbo - I want to get back to work (retired GP), I want to help where I can and “do my bit” but it appears it’s not happening yet so I’m twitchy and in a state of anticipation

Gosh, sorry. I thought I was calm and being sensible but writing it down it seems I’m more anxious than I thought.
Mar 2020
9:31am, 18 Mar 2020
23,657 posts
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WFH, business is going nuts, people are going completely into hibernation, and whereas I understand it, those who hold their nerve are going to be the ones who end up benefitting overall

About This Thread

Maintained by TheScribbler
With so much going on at the moment that we can't control, and that might make us feel anxious, this thread is a place to let us know how you’re doing.

How to respond effectively to the Corona crisis by Dr Russ Harris drive.google.com thanks to PenW for the link

Support thread for parents with children off school here:
Thanks Purps

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