Hey Fetchies how are you?

36 watchers
Mar 2020
12:04pm, 14 Mar 2020
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Thank you Scribbler, it's a lovely idea! I'm not too bad, thank you for asking. I think I felt more anxious before the Manchester Marathon got cancelled, or postponed or whatever it's doing, than I do now. I hate uncertainty so I feel calmer now.
Mar 2020
12:14pm, 14 Mar 2020
11 posts
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Well, since you ask....
I'm trying to be zen, helped by a hilly wet run this morning.
But, our schools are now closed (in France), so looking at home schooling my 6 and 9 Yr olds.Was going to keep the 3yr old with the childminder, but I think she's got chicken pox, also going round here, and she's super miserable and snotty today. Any tips from experienced home schoolers to effectively educate 3 children?!
My father in law has liver cancer, awaiting resection, so my husband will be with him every weekend from next week, but we can't risk infecting him. My parents are in the UK and fragile, so I'm worried about them too. Arrrgggghhhh.
And, I'm a health care worker but currently on a research contract, desperately trying to analyse data, write at least 2 papers in these last 2 weeks, while home schooling?! Waiting to be called in to help out, and due to restart clinical work on the 30th March. Bah.
Mar 2020
1:15pm, 14 Mar 2020
22,383 posts
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Dave A
I’m good. In my current role I can work from home if needed, which will be nice as it’s nearly 40 miles of commuting per day.
Mar 2020
1:33pm, 14 Mar 2020
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Vancouver Jogger
Thank you for asking. I gave up social media for Lent - one of the best things I've done - especially in the circumstances. I can only imagine the things that some of the people on there are saying. Currently feeling I may never go back...
Mar 2020
1:46pm, 14 Mar 2020
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The Scribbler
It sounds like you have some valid reasons to feel anxious Snufkin. Just remember that anxiety tends to want all the answers now and will keep circling back to the same kind of questions. Take some time to breathe.

Sorry about the race cancellation Jenny. Hope you can enjoy a long run another time.

Good news on the reduced commute time Dave - that’s got to be better for the environment too.

VC I’ve cut back on social media too, and have stopped turning breakfast news on win the morning. I’ll stay informed but don’t need the wall to wall anxiety inducing stuff.

I’ve been out to our local wildlife park this morning and seen loads of woodpeckers, long tailed tits, squirrels and the resident non native otters. Lovely.
Mar 2020
2:40pm, 14 Mar 2020
15,295 posts
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my 20-miler has been postponed, which saves me worrying about whether or not to do it and how I was going to do two long solo runs beforehand. I'm assuming the May marathon will be postponed too - but still intend getting the miles in for that - just have a bit more breathing space now.
Also - have been fitting new skirting board - husband and I working together as a team for the last 4 hours or so - without a cross word or tools being thrown :)
Mar 2020
3:17pm, 14 Mar 2020
12,130 posts
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So far, so good in our household. My hayfever is getting on my nerves and I must stop reading the news, though hubby takes care of that for us even if I don't.
Mar 2020
11:53am, 15 Mar 2020
15 posts
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Thanks scribbler. Just writing it all down helped tbh. Accidental purchase of an aquarium yesterday also helped, even if we'll be waiting more than the 3 weeks advised before adding fish since all non-necessary shops are now closed....! Still, sunny and spring-like today.
Mar 2020
3:13pm, 15 Mar 2020
11,579 posts
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I'm feeling really quite scared, I'm in an at risk group so self isolating at the moment but perfectly aware that I will have to catch it at some point and that's pretty terrifying. I'm lucky I have space to walk about so I'm getting out in the fresh air as much as possible.
Mar 2020
3:54pm, 15 Mar 2020
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Eynsham Red
I’m a little anxious simply because I’m not sure whether I’m in an at risk group or not. I take immunosuppressant medication following a kidney transplant seven years ago. Since receiving my new kidney (from my wonderful wife) I’ve not caught any more colds, tummy bugs or had flu anymore than before.
As this is a new illness that nobody has any immunity to, am I any more likely to be at risk than anyone else? (Rhetorical question).

About This Thread

Maintained by TheScribbler
With so much going on at the moment that we can't control, and that might make us feel anxious, this thread is a place to let us know how you’re doing.

How to respond effectively to the Corona crisis by Dr Russ Harris drive.google.com thanks to PenW for the link

Support thread for parents with children off school here:
Thanks Purps

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