Apr 2009
9:29pm, 23 Apr 2009
19,019 posts
Good idea Clare. Have fun!
Apr 2009
11:54pm, 23 Apr 2009
5,316 posts
Clare - Good advice from Ian
Like Ian when i race i don't really to a HR. But i do wear one to see how i do. I am such an analyser
My last 4 halfs (3 last year and 1 this year) have all been at 159-160 HR which for me is 86% WHR but i reckon i could work higher because for 2 of them i was holding back as i was marathon training and the last 2 a lack of runs affected my endurance and i struggled a bit (plus they were both on warm days)
Apr 2009
10:00am, 24 Apr 2009
70 posts
I'm doing my first HM (well the first for 23 years) in a couple of weeks but have decided to run according to pace rather than HR. My most recent 5K was at 6:59 m/m and 10K was 7:11 m/m (both last month) so I've decied to aim for something like 7:25 m/m pace for the HM.
Apr 2009
11:47am, 24 Apr 2009
71 posts
Actually, the 7:25 pHMp mentioned above was based on using my WAVA age-graded score from my 10K and then applying it to a HM (http://www.howardgrubb.co.uk/athletics/wmalookup06.html).
But when I use the McMillan calcualtor(http://www.mcmillanrunning.com/mcmillanrunningcalculator.htm), it suggests a 7:35 pHMp.
Maybe 7:30 as a compromise?
Apr 2009
11:50am, 24 Apr 2009
5,154 posts
Claire, my last HM was 91% WHR, good luck on sunday
Apr 2009
11:56am, 24 Apr 2009
1,072 posts
paul the builder
Sounds about right DrD. Plan to run from the start at 7:30s (which will probably mean keeping a sensible head on in the first mile or two), and then see if you can run strongly from 10m and come in under 7:30 average.
You don't log your training here, so I haven't a clue what mileage you're doing and whether 13.1 is a long way or a walk in the park...
Apr 2009
12:03pm, 24 Apr 2009
458 posts
can someone help me on cardiac drift? Even on short runs (3 miles) if i keep a steady pace my heart rate steadily increases. i havent really noticed that much before cos i usually run pretty undulating routes. but a few flat runs while away and also a flat 10k have really highlighted the cardiac drift-its a pretty steady upward line. what can i do to control this and should i be worries?
Apr 2009
12:04pm, 24 Apr 2009
459 posts
that should be "worried" not "worries" of course
Apr 2009
12:37pm, 24 Apr 2009
1,073 posts
paul the builder
Meglet - yes, that's cardiac drift. It's not something to "worry" about, as if it's an independent problem from your training/running and there was some other way to address it. It's simply a measure of your level of fitness.
Everyone gets cardiac drift. I run a lot more than you, and I see it too - but it normally takes until 16-18 miles on my long Sunday run before it happens.
So don't worry, just keep on training, and as you get fitter then the 'drift' will happen later and later in your runs.
Apr 2009
1:14pm, 24 Apr 2009
566 posts
Thanks all re the above advice!
I think I must get that 'drift' too - when sticking to sub-70% WHR, I find that gradually through the run, my pace has to slow down to keep to sub-70%, so on that basis, my HR would rise steadily as the run progresses if I were to keep a constant pace. Hadn't really thought about it before..