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Oct 2022
1:25pm, 1 Oct 2022
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Yep, I definitely view the garmin figure as an output to be observed rather than a figure to be achieved. I do get where you're coming from, and all the evidence out there does agree that VO2max is nothing definitive when it comes to performances. Nonetheless, it is an interesting measure to track.
Oct 2022
3:06pm, 1 Oct 2022
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K5 Gus
Youtuber Tim Grose ran the "dodgy GPS" section of the London Marathon route with a 955 dual band on one wrist and a 945 on the other wrist. Amazing the difference in the GPS trace, although surprisingly the 945 which was all over the place wasn't actually that far out in distance, but that sounds more like luck than anything else.

Don't think I can justify upgrading my F6 to an F7 or 955 (want mapping so 255 no use to me) but it sure makes me want one !
Oct 2022
3:45pm, 1 Oct 2022
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After I saw this video I went and had a look at my VMLM trace from last year (run with a 945). It wasn’t half as bad as Tim’s 945 trace. That said, the 955 was way better than even mine.
Oct 2022
4:31pm, 1 Oct 2022
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Vdot is (I think ) vVo2Max - velocity at vo2max which adjusts a bit for efficiency etc. It's calculated from a recent race result:

In my 20's I had a vo2max of 69 tested in the lab but could not run anywhere near the paces that might imply. Garmin didn't do vo2max back then in 301 days. My Jack Daniels vdot at that time would have been 54.4 from a recent parkrun.

The lab test was a ramp test done on a treadmill hooked up to oxygen sensors with blood taken at intervals measure lactate. It was repeated twice over a 10 week training log as part of a sample of general population runners to calibrate a new running watch
Oct 2022
6:15pm, 1 Oct 2022
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I kinda skipped through that video. From the 920XT onwards, if you were wearing a pro HRM and the GPS was struggling, then the watch would use an approximate distance from the bounce in your stride. A bit like the Stryd footpod that he uses. He didn't mention an HRM so perhaps he didn't try that. But that's likely why the older watch gives a reasonable distance when the trace is so bad.

In 2019 my 920XT was all over the place in that section (and you can see on the left where it lost signal going south through the tunnel under the roundabout - a roundabout you don't use in the new revised course on the way back I assume because as it had a slight elevation change). Despite all that, I got a reasonably consistent pace (km 4:08 and 4:13, about 10-15 seconds quicker than my likely actual pace, not enough for me to panic) and distance all the way through that section - my watch just picked up stride from the HRM I think, and I got a final distance of 42.6km.
Oct 2022
6:48pm, 1 Oct 2022
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I've seen a lot worse. Some years mine has had me doing a tough duathlon.
Oct 2022
9:14pm, 1 Oct 2022
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I didn't think the HRM with running dynamics or the RD Pod did distance?

I wore my RD Pod for sprints today and it was good to get reasonable looking cadence data, stride length was nonsense though due to the GPS; it gave me as low as 0.23 avg stride length for one of the reps which would basically mean my feet were overlapping, lol.
Oct 2022
10:30pm, 1 Oct 2022
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I've just noticed my 5k prediction has dropped by a minute after a couple of hours of basketball today. I also walked about 3 miles home after. It's possible that I missed the change after my 3 miles plus sprints earlier but I don't think I did.

I don't actually wear the watch while playing (risk of it getting caught) so it's changing purely on the HR load from the session I guess. Interesting that it takes it into account.

I've been injured over the summer so the predictions are anywhere near my limit (it just went sub 18) just interesting to note that all HR load is taken account of.
Oct 2022
10:45am, 3 Oct 2022
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The "dodgy GPS" section is a little over a mile from our flat, and most days I'll be near there. A single run really isn't enough to get a hint of just how bad it can be around there - it varies a lot

Here's what I got in 2018 (Fenix 5X, GPS+Galileo):

Here's a section of what my usual morning route should look like:


And here's an example of what my watch thought it looked like this morning:

...and it'll look wildly different again tomorrow.

If I can find the time, I'll cycle that section with both my Fenix & Edge 1040 recording (I've found the Edge to be a *lot* more accurate)
Oct 2022
11:15am, 3 Oct 2022
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(I've just watched Tim's video - nice guest appearance from my mate Tony at the end 😁)

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