Jan 2008
3:54pm, 23 Jan 2008
1,825 posts
i changed a hr alert! so do I remove the alert on the garmin?
Jan 2008
4:51pm, 23 Jan 2008
6,965 posts
setting an alert shouldn't cause it
it's when you change the BPMs assigned to the various HR zones.
Jan 2008
4:52pm, 23 Jan 2008
1,828 posts
think that's all I have done though unless I changed the other bit whilst faffing about! So how do I fix it without losing data?
Jan 2008
9:23pm, 23 Jan 2008
1,133 posts
Sorry if this one has been asked before but I can't seem to find an answer...I've just got a 305 to replace my 301 which is knackered, and on the 301 when it beeps for distance alert you could also get it to show your average pace in the last mile - can I do this with the 305 and if so can someone remind me how! Thanks
Jan 2008
12:22am, 24 Jan 2008
346 posts
BelleVueRacer♣of Beartown
Someone asked me what time it was before a run on Sunday - after plenty of button pushing and bleeping I had to say, "Sorry, I don't know, but I can give you your exact geographic location"
Jan 2008
7:05am, 24 Jan 2008
1,835 posts
kitty good question steve the time is by default (I think!) on the 1st screen
Ian i did add a virtual partner (as yet unused) could that have confused it?
Jan 2008
7:36am, 24 Jan 2008
11,868 posts
Quite possibly EP, I *think* that could be it so when it asks you just keep the one on your PC I think - the one where you know you have all the data.
I've done the same with the time of day - lost it until I set the display to show it again - it's very easy to confuse with time which is lap time.
Kitty set your device to autolap every mile Training / Training Options / Autolap
then to set the alert...
Training / Training Options / Alerts/Time/Dist Alert/Distance Alert - set it to "on" and "once per mile".
Jan 2008
8:00am, 24 Jan 2008
1,714 posts
2 Flat Feet
bottom left button takes you back to the front page with the time on - but it is small!
Jan 2008
8:58am, 24 Jan 2008
11,870 posts
Yep, I can never see that 2FF so I set a quarter screen up for the time of day...
Jan 2008
9:57am, 24 Jan 2008
1,716 posts
2 Flat Feet
I did think of that Ian, but then I know roughly what time I set off and just add the length of the run to that!