Fetchie Flab Fighters

2 lurkers | 81 watchers
16 Jan
10:50am, 16 Jan 2024
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It is when I’m trying to lose weight I get obsessive.
16 Jan
10:58am, 16 Jan 2024
50,805 posts
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I've done that before
every time I went to the bathroom so literally 4+ times a day
16 Jan
11:26am, 16 Jan 2024
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Lip Gloss
I went on every time I went to the bathroom and I can tell you it was a lot more than 4 times a day.

I now use my clothes as a guide more than scales as I now where my target areas are to shift some of the body fat.
16 Jan
4:19pm, 16 Jan 2024
2,517 posts
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Lovely photos DQ.

Hope your plan goes to plan RevB.
I've only started weighing myself more than one a week because a website I use works out a 10-day moving average and it's useful to see the trend of my average weight. But I've never weighed myself more than once a day.
I've had a good day re exercise - I walked a fast 3mls before breakfast, did a 2ml amble with Mrs WM around a NT property (Croome). This afternoon I've been doing some x-training - I collected up the leaves from the garden in the autumn and I've been chopping them up with the lawnmower and bagging them up. We'll have lots more lovely leaf mould this time next year.
16 Jan
4:41pm, 16 Jan 2024
21,621 posts
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I went on every time I went to the bathroom and I can tell you it was a lot more than 4 times a day. I now use my clothes as a guide more than scales as I now where my target areas are to shift some of the body fat.

I had worked hard to break the habit and was doing so well, like you I was going on feel and how clothes felt/looked and as soon as I've started to consciously try to get some lbs off there I am hopping on the bloody things like a yo-yo. I am trying to focus on eating healthy, moving (stalled at the moment) and mostly fuelling myself for the extra miles / training I am undertaking with my coach. As overall that is more important than a number on my scales (for me)

It's all about each of us doing what we need to obtain our results while not being too obsessive about it. I love the support we all share here.
16 Jan
4:50pm, 16 Jan 2024
50,813 posts
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I’m trying to really focus on protein and fuelling my miles

It seems to be working atm but I know I will have to adjust at some point

Being slow my run commutes mean I’m doing 9-10+ hours a week

But as I get lighter in theory I should get faster so less hours so may need to adjust then but hopefully I can keep with the current plan for a few weeks!
16 Jan
5:03pm, 16 Jan 2024
3,512 posts
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I can get obsessive about anything….

I’m trying to steer away from a focus on weight to other things which are more directly relevant to health. Such as VO2max, body composition, and in my case, blood glucose. I’ve had a glucose monitoring patch on since yesterday mid-morning - and the numbers are fairly horrible :-(.

But I know from past experience that they can change fairly quickly when you make changes to diet. I’ve already cut out a load of carbs by virtue of cutting way back on snacks and sweets. I’ll give it a few days - and see if I need to go full on low carb or not.

They’re starting me on a new medication for diabetes (did I already say that) to add to the two I’m already on. I’d rather not take all these meds… but maintaining strict diet and exercise is a challenge for most of us I guess.

Today’s exercise was 20 minutes of swimming lengths. My Apple Watch thinks that’s a really good calorie burner, so with that and a short walk down to a local shop (like, 300m) I have exceeded my Active Calorie and Exercise Minutes goals my loads already. I just need to not sit entirely still for the next 6 hours to meet the Stand goal.
16 Jan
6:25pm, 16 Jan 2024
18,165 posts
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I am a constant weigher but when we go away in the van it doesn't bother me.

Am trying to up my protein and need to get my food under control again and stop eating the food that upsets me.

Massage today which was deep, felt good and was needed. Meeting my PT at the gym Friday 🏋️‍♀️ so she can see how I am progressing and how to go forward
16 Jan
7:06pm, 16 Jan 2024
73,419 posts
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Lip Gloss
I need more protein in my diet too.
16 Jan
7:08pm, 16 Jan 2024
28,287 posts
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Lizzie W
Me too. But cheap nutritious protein...

About This Thread

Maintained by Lizzie W
Here we go another year, another start to the weight loss thread.

Let's give it our all this year and conquer our eating demons.

It's all about small changes, which lead to big changes.


Heres the link for the spreadsheet

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FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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