Nov 2018
11:44am, 14 Nov 2018
8,460 posts
I'm on a roll at the moment, we finally (after 4 years) got around to choosing and having wardrobe doors fitted, this meant emptying the wardrobe and I refused to allow myself to put stuff back in there I wouldn't wear. A few bits have gone in for now but ear marked if they're not worn they're out. I then progressed to swapping drawers around and cleared out even more and the pile of clothes for charity is ridiculous.
I am on with shoes next biggest issue is I always wore heels, but they just kill my feet these days, but I'm reluctant to let go of many but I am doing a deal with myself that some have to go. Problem is they were bloody expensive - Kurt Geiger, Carvella to name a few. So I might try e-baying them, same with handbags and the no longer needed bile leathers. Then I have a load of Royal Dalton and similar figurines, not my taste, which came to us when my husband's auntie died - too good to charity but again the faff of ebaying kills me.
We also had a clearout of old paperwork - there's a long way to go but I'm in the zone so I'm on it!!
Meglet cannot believe you've been in your house a year... as for unpacked boxes we have been in ours 9 years and still have some (largely photos that I wont put up but don't want to get rid of) the joy.... and of course Xmas is coming so more 'stuff' to deal with talking of which there is a bag still to put away from last year oops!
Nov 2018
5:45pm, 14 Nov 2018
44,033 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
I think there are places which eBay your stuff in return for a cut, might be worth investigating? I put the leftover tiles on freecycle, hopefully someone will pick them up because my freecycle approach is to stick them outside and give my address, I gave up waiting for people years ago.
Nov 2018
11:07am, 15 Nov 2018
44,045 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
Tiles have been collected. Another pile of books to go to charity, and a random selection of crap from my bedroom thrown out. Progress.
Nov 2018
2:30pm, 15 Nov 2018
31,693 posts
On my way to town to give 2 bags to charity shop
Nov 2018
8:16pm, 15 Nov 2018
44,051 posts
The Mighty Fleecy
The freecycler who collected the tiles is over the moon with them (quite rightly, they were bloody expensive but I couldn’t return them and my decorator over measured). She offered to bring me a present to say thank you but I said I was just glad they had a good home
The decluttering continues...
Nov 2018
9:22am, 16 Nov 2018
8,461 posts
that's nice fleecy, to know that someone is happy and benefited and you get the de-clutter feeling too - win win.
I am bagging clothes for charity this weekend, either charity shop or if they can take them the women in domestic abuse rescue. I want rid of the old drawers in the bedroom too - but need to empty the darn things first!
Nov 2018
12:09pm, 16 Nov 2018
18,840 posts
Lizzie W
If I could declutter a third of my bodyweight, I could keep all the clothes that are currently in the loft
Nov 2018
1:08pm, 16 Nov 2018
529 posts
We're finally in the new house, and feeling very cluttered at the moment, there's definitely going to be some stuff leaving in the next few weeks/months/years.
Nov 2018
4:50pm, 16 Nov 2018
36,760 posts
My neighbour called today and I gave him 5 large-ish pictures for his car boot or whatever. Attacking the sheets and towels again next.
Nov 2018
6:41pm, 16 Nov 2018
19,782 posts
I found sheets and towels quite difficult to get rid of. Its not often you need old sheets or towels but they can come in handy! I have a couple of sets away and she took the rest to a friend for their dogs.