Feb 2020
10:27am, 7 Feb 2020
3,870 posts
Fingers crossed Sarah.
Hope everyone is doing ok - its Friday!
Felt ok enough to run home last night, and I think the rest had actually done me good as I ran just about the whole of it, rather than run/walking like I have been doing. I love it when you get those good runs - they don't necessarily happen often, but they are worth waiting for.
Feb 2020
12:41pm, 7 Feb 2020
37,883 posts
Great stuff Treacle
Feb 2020
9:06am, 8 Feb 2020
12,440 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
Emerging after a four day rest
Tup my original streak ended after 10yrs4months back in Oct... since then I have tried to start two.. the first on 24th Dec was going ok till I hit a lurgy mid Jan and the third lasted just over a week and ended after Monday this week
It’s been a week to observe mental behaviour and how stress also impacts me.. other peoples behaviour at work and how I am affected by that
Anyhow.. feeling ok today, tired but ok and off for a hair cut and then a run when I get back
Hope your all Doing ok x
Feb 2020
12:14pm, 8 Feb 2020
37,911 posts
Rest is good when it’s needed
I’m waiting for Parkrun results while we get ready for an afternoon walk on the Pennine Way
Feb 2020
8:42pm, 11 Feb 2020
37,972 posts
Finished week two of my 200 squat challenge. Tonight’s reps were 22 22 19 19 and 35. In a day or so I need to do a test to exhaustion with a target of 40, which will be fine. It’s amazing how much stronger I feel for doing basically seven sessions of squats in a fortnight
Feb 2020
12:13pm, 12 Feb 2020
3,871 posts
Wow - well done DT!
The state of the weather has stopped me running till today - but am taking the opportunity with this break before the next storm to run home tonight. It may be chilly, but at least I won't be blown away I hope!!
Hope everyone is OK?
Feb 2020
6:22pm, 12 Feb 2020
12,441 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
I went quiet as I gained the lurgy! So frustrated and have been off work and laid low in a grumpy tired and luckily sleepy few days..
I am thinking of starting Saturday again Till then rest and sleep In London tomorrow a full on day, that will be good for steps hopefully
Take care in this crazy windy and very cold snap
Feb 2020
12:03pm, 13 Feb 2020
3,872 posts
Oh no FRU. Doesn't sound good - maybe your body was just telling you you needed a bit of rest?
At the risk of being really annoying and armchair diagnosing, have you tried taking Vi D supplements? I had a spell a couple of years ago where I had what felt like depression, combined with exhaustion, and it turned out I had extremely low vit D levels. Some high strength tablets and a week later, and it was like a light bulb had gone on and I was back in business.
Am so glad the wind has gone away temporarily - I was very bored of it! Managed to run home last night - and will try the same on Friday.
Feb 2020
12:49pm, 13 Feb 2020
37,985 posts
Ran 5.5 miles last night. Ground very wet and heavy
Feb 2020
8:50am, 14 Feb 2020
10,513 posts
Hope you're feeling a bit better, FRU xx Good running, Treacle and DT. I don't know what to do with myself re running. Knees are a bit of a problem but not bad enough to stop me completely. Not sure whether to just keep on with my training prog but knock it down from 3 to 2 runs a week or what. Have lost confidence a bit. ION, weightloss is going well. 3.5 lbs down this week - 11 lbs in total