Mar 2020
2:07pm, 31 Mar 2020
1,626 posts
fraggle and ChrisHB - Wearing masks may stop you directly touching your face around your mouth and nose, but what about when you have touched the mask? Will you be able to safely take off your mask without breathing in what you have touched onto the mask? Will you wash your hands immediately afterwards and dispose of the mask safely?
As Carp wrote on the previous page, and I did in my blog, prolonged use of masks makes them ineffective due to exhaled moisture, allowing any germs (not just SARS-CoV-2) deposited on the mask easier access to the respiratory tract.
Mar 2020
2:14pm, 31 Mar 2020
33,352 posts
i think the lawyers statement is unhelpful in the big picture. He is encouraging people to look for the loophole and obey the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law, which is what MUST happen if we are going to control this situaion
Mar 2020
2:18pm, 31 Mar 2020
17,082 posts
i agree my initial thought was tosser
Mar 2020
2:18pm, 31 Mar 2020
16,954 posts
Oo mine too
Mar 2020
2:51pm, 31 Mar 2020
119 posts
Idiot lawyer. I thought contrary to what that lawyer is saying leaving your house if fear of harm or abuse was one of the lisred permitted things?
I can’t imagine how horrific it must be being trapped in a place 24/7 in those circumstances.
Mar 2020
2:53pm, 31 Mar 2020
1,730 posts
Question: And apologies if its been discussed already. Is anybody washing/cleaning items of groceries bought from shops?
Mar 2020
2:55pm, 31 Mar 2020
9,565 posts
Big increase in numbers today - 367
Mar 2020
2:55pm, 31 Mar 2020
17,083 posts
My mum is washing stuff (and a friend) and if she can get away with not touching it for 72 hours she will
Mar 2020
2:56pm, 31 Mar 2020
19,041 posts
It's vital for the police only to enforce the law. They have no business enforcing Grant Shapps' statement that we should only go shopping once a week.
Mar 2020
3:00pm, 31 Mar 2020
2,177 posts
flatlander - I do get your point about taking the mask off safely (?) but I have made it to cheer her up as much as anything - she's stuck on her own in a tiny village in cornwall, and I thought a delivery of a flowery fabric face mask and a bar of chocolate might make her laugh.
it does have a pocket in the back, so in theory you can put a tissue or something as a liner inside it. Got the pattern from a US website and they're asking of people to make them to send in to nurses etc do they not realise that they won't really do any good ?