Coronavirus **support** thread

1 lurker | 162 watchers
Oct 2023
8:58am, 12 Oct 2023
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That's hopeful Shades.

"The cause of long COVID is not yet clear; however, a widely recognised theory is that the virus persists within specific cells of the infected person, causing an associated inflammatory response, and a wide range of prolonged symptoms."

Didn't know that. Hope antivirals can be shown to help those with long covid for a genuine chance of recovery and improvement. :-) G
Oct 2023
9:03am, 12 Oct 2023
1,193 posts
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I don't have long Covid but the news snippet mentions that when a sufferer exercises it seems to set off symptoms.

Exeter does a lot of sports specific research. I used to do a circuits class with someone that worked there and we used to discuss what research they were doing and the results, was very interesting.
Oct 2023
10:52am, 12 Oct 2023
3,254 posts
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Just had my Covid and flu jabs. One in each arm. Hoping not too many side effects 🤞
Oct 2023
2:55pm, 21 Oct 2023
9,737 posts
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So I was vaccinated couple weeks ago

Last Sunday/Monday I felt very rough/usual symptoms but neg test on monday. Assumed just a cold. Did test again Thursday as step daughter coming to stay, also negative.

Today, husband has tested positive. I’m still negative.

We are supposed to be going on holiday monday 😭 lots paid for and I’ve been looking forward to it for months (I rarely get a solid week off work. Twice a year at most)

Not sure at this point whether I’ve had it, but not enough to be positive. Or whether I’ve had something else and now have a good chance of Covid next week.

Ffs the timing.

I mean whatever happens, he can’t go, but I guess we all can’t go 😭
Oct 2023
3:32pm, 21 Oct 2023
1,205 posts
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Gymfreak Oh no, that's such bad timing.

Check your travel insurance, you may be covered.
Oct 2023
3:35pm, 21 Oct 2023
25,775 posts
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I did not believe there are any rules to prevent travelling. It’s just a case of personal choice and how you feel. Many people travel regardless or indeed don’t even test

I haven’t been in that position but it would be a real dilemma.

I hope you come to a decision that you are comfortable with.
Oct 2023
3:58pm, 21 Oct 2023
1,122 posts
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But he can go. There are no rules on travel and isolation anymore, very few are still testing and treat it as if it were a cold, which I’m sure that the insurance company will at this point. Wear a mask to travel if it makes you more comfortable around others. Hope neither of you get many unpleasant symptoms and can enjoy your break.
Oct 2023
4:10pm, 21 Oct 2023
48,209 posts
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Agree with Bazo and Nr - for instance my son was told to go in to work (customer facing retail role) after testing pos for Covid because "it's just a type of cold".

Try not to cough too hard on anyone!

Obv others might evaluate risk of passing on to others differently eg I wouldn't visit my 87 Yr old clinically vulnerable mum with it but hols I think is your call. Good luck and enjoy if you do go. :-) G
Oct 2023
4:14pm, 21 Oct 2023
61,608 posts
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Derby Tup
Dare I say it I flew home from Milan in June after feeling really rough for a couple of days and tested positive the morning after getting home. I've heard stories too of employers insisting workers with Covid go into work
Oct 2023
4:17pm, 21 Oct 2023
71,821 posts
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Lip Gloss
I was about to say the HNH guidelines are no need to test anymore and if you are feeling well you carry on as normal and that includes going to work. If the symptoms are bad and would have prevented you from going to work then stay at home , otherwise just take precautions and like the others have said wear a mask when travelling

About This Thread

Maintained by DingDocMerrily
There is a separate discussion thread for debating the grander scheme of things here:

Go there if you want to talk about whether it's real, whether the government are trying to control us, etc, etc.


information, discussion and support about the unfolding Covid-19 outbreak
NO politics please
And above all please be kind and respect others points of view and concerns.

microbiologists view byFlatlander
Science of coronavirus
coronavirus testing by Flatlander

information for ashtma sufferers

information for pregnancy

imperial article

Government advice

advice for those with RA and autoinmmune diseases

diabetes advice

explaination of the maths of the growth of the epidemic

tips to help you cope

Advice to stay at home

planning for and what to do if you are ill
support for self isolates

Ft coronavirus tracker

A good article about dealing with the feelings of grief that the current situation has given us

advice on self isolation for indivuals with symptoms or and their household

seven day rolling averages

A sustainable exit strategy document

susceptibility to covid by flatlander

bromage article

government guidelines 11th may for England(NI, Scotland and Wales linked at the bottom of article)

breathing practice

lancet articles

help with mask anxiety

video of droplet dispersal

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