Jul 2020
8:16am, 3 Jul 2020
17,917 posts
I do love that North Korea thinks we will all believe that they have had ZERO cases
Jul 2020
9:41am, 3 Jul 2020
2,668 posts
Tim of Fife
Brilliant. But no thanks lol. I will 'do the time'
In all seriousness, will now go mostly to the farm. Cut down to just getting the Sunday paper from the corner shops.
Two of my daughter's flatnates made redundant today !!!!
Jul 2020
12:26pm, 3 Jul 2020
10,754 posts
Little Nemo
A slightly odd question but does anyone else feel queasy when wearing a mask? I've noticed that my travel sickness is a lot worse when I'm wearing one unless there's something else going on with me!
Jul 2020
12:28pm, 3 Jul 2020
1,267 posts
No LN, although I've not worn mine for long enough/often enough to notice. Could you just be irritating a nerve? Perhaps try tying it up differently?
Jul 2020
12:32pm, 3 Jul 2020
555 posts
I wore mine on the bus the other day for the first time and one thing I noticed was that occasionally I felt a rising panic, and started to hyperventilate a bit. I controlled it but I don’t think I could maintain it for a long period for example, an hour. Maybe I just need to distract myself.
Jul 2020
12:40pm, 3 Jul 2020
16,811 posts
Non-runner - try the help with mask anxiety link in the about this thread
I'm finding it easier as time goes on
Jul 2020
12:44pm, 3 Jul 2020
10,756 posts
Little Nemo
I've been wearing masks that attach round the ears. Maybe I'll try a buff next time and see if that makes a difference. Really noticed it on the bus today. It was only 20-30 mins but I did feel horrible by the time I got off. Don't think it's a panic/anxiety thing but I'll check the link to see if there are any useful tips.
Cheers all
Jul 2020
1:06pm, 3 Jul 2020
6,527 posts
Northern Exile
Without wanting to sound glib or patronising, I don't find it the slightest problem - the only issue I have with wearing a mask is that if I get the adjustment wrong, my glasses steam up. I don't have to wear them all the time (glasses that is), I'm just too lazy to take them off - that might have to change.
Jul 2020
1:37pm, 3 Jul 2020
16,915 posts
It's putting my reading glasses on and off and on again that worries me about contamination - if I walk around wearing them I feel dizzy/sick - but can't read small stuff/phone screen/ menus/ labels without them.
I wash them when I get home from shops, but I'll have to learn not to put them down anywhere if we do get to eat out etc.
I've learned left hand - gate, right hand - face for when I'm out running, wil have to learn left hand-glasses too.
Jul 2020
1:50pm, 3 Jul 2020
10,639 posts
Makes you appreciate our front line workers who are wearing these masks all working day with no coho is.