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Coronavirus **support** thread

161 watchers
Jul 2020
3:13pm, 2 Jul 2020
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B Rubble
That's what they thought in 1918 JR.

I'm not saying we're going to have the same here and now. Medicine is far better and the virus appears to be getting less dangerous (or death rates in hospitals are lower due to new treatments) but it's probably best to be cautious. I don't want my 84 year old mother getting it.
Jul 2020
3:15pm, 2 Jul 2020
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B Rubble
I should have explained that in 1918 the second wave was far worse than the first.
Jul 2020
3:52pm, 2 Jul 2020
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I read something that the cause is the 2nd wave in 1918 was due to aspirin. The doctors prescribed 30mg a day which is now above the maximum dosage believed to be safe. It is believed it contributed to the death rate.

However we cannot deny covid hasnt gone away yet, far from it. Talking to a colleague in Australia yesterday Victoria has shut down again as they’ve had a huge spike. Climbing cases in many countries and of course the reported hot spots here. My colleagues fiancé has seen 4 cases this week brought in and had been clear for 4/5 weeks. My cousin works at a different hospital in the area and again they’ve had cases come back in again.

We have to all take a responsibility to do our best to avoid this getting out of control again. While I won’t wear a mask as standard I will have it if it is needed. Beyond that lots of hand washing, not touching things unnecessarily and keeping away from people unless it’s not possible when the mask will come in.
Jul 2020
3:56pm, 2 Jul 2020
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I was looking at worldometer and notice we’re not reporting new cases and new deaths. Why is the reporting so varied across the world?

I would be interested in knowing what the weekly figures are so xxxx week ending 21st June is xxx week ending 28th June is xxxx

And even totals for March is xx, April is xx etc. Surely that possible?
Jul 2020
3:57pm, 2 Jul 2020
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America is terrible
and places like Brazil etc
India isn't really improving!

Several countries you don't get the real picture though as people are dying before they get to hospital or tested.

2 weddings in India have caused mass infections.

Our death rate is apparently improving as the NHS staff have gained greater knowledge on treatment not that people aren't getting it so bad

FIL is hoping to restart his cancer treatment soon so won't be out of shielding for a long time. We've not seen them since Christmas
Jul 2020
3:58pm, 2 Jul 2020
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Half of me thinks it's reassuring that the prevalence is down to about 1 in 1700, but at one point earlier this year it would also have been that rare and that didn't stop us getting where we are now.

The other half is still worried by the incidence: the Covid symptom tracker still estimates nearly 1,500 new cases each day, and deaths are well above 100 each day.

Until those figures change I'll carry on being cautious.
Jul 2020
4:12pm, 2 Jul 2020
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Worldometers for UK is usually a bit behind. I always flick to Yesterday to see the UK's numbers. 176 Yesterday is highest in Europe by about 10 x and more akin to the numbers in South and North America. People are still dying in UK in what I think are still very high numbers.
Jul 2020
4:19pm, 2 Jul 2020
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Oh not seen any other options to access the data I’ll have a play later. Thanks 😊G
Jul 2020
4:20pm, 2 Jul 2020
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When you're on the page (works on phone or desktop) at top of table there's an option for Today, Yesterday, 2 Days Ago. It's useful for ironing out weekend lows and things, when I read it anyway. Enjoy! :-) G
Jul 2020
4:22pm, 2 Jul 2020
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and the French open in September is open to the public
that's announced the same day that they said they were preparing for a 2nd wave

About This Thread

Maintained by DocM
There is a separate discussion thread for debating the grander scheme of things here: fetcheveryone.com/forum/coronavirus-discussion-thread-61609

Go there if you want to talk about whether it's real, whether the government are trying to control us, etc, etc.


information, discussion and support about the unfolding Covid-19 outbreak
NO politics please
And above all please be kind and respect others points of view and concerns.

microbiologists view byFlatlander
Science of coronavirus
coronavirus testing by Flatlander

information for ashtma sufferers

information for pregnancy

imperial article

Government advice gov.uk

advice for those with RA and autoinmmune diseases

diabetes advice

explaination of the maths of the growth of the epidemic

tips to help you cope

Advice to stay at home

planning for and what to do if you are ill
support for self isolates

Ft coronavirus tracker

A good article about dealing with the feelings of grief that the current situation has given us hbr.org

advice on self isolation for indivuals with symptoms or and their household

seven day rolling averages

A sustainable exit strategy document

susceptibility to covid by flatlander

bromage article

government guidelines 11th may for England(NI, Scotland and Wales linked at the bottom of article)

breathing practice

lancet articles

help with mask anxiety

video of droplet dispersal
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