Coronavirus **support** thread
1 lurker |
161 watchers
Jul 2020
2:38pm, 2 Jul 2020
10,750 posts
Little Nemo
If you don't want to wear a facemask then don't wear one. Nobody expects 100% compliance so you probably won't be refused entry to shops or public transport. You might get the odd judgy look or an occasional tsk! but I haven't seen anyone tackled, even on the tube where it's supposed to be mandatory. If you do decide to wear one, take several out with you so you can change them if necessary. |
Jul 2020
2:43pm, 2 Jul 2020
1,261 posts
EP, I would wash between uses at 60C (something we probably should do anyway, but lots don't). This will kill bacteria, viruses and any fungal spores which might grow while it's still a bit damp.
Jul 2020
2:43pm, 2 Jul 2020
26,929 posts
Ok, I wasn’t going to post on this thread again, just reading it has a sufficient adverse effect, but here is a simple explanation of why wearing masks, including cloth ones, is a good thing to do when unable to keep distance from other people whilst indoors. I’ve copied it from the original post as it’s better written than anything I could do. |
Jul 2020
2:44pm, 2 Jul 2020
17,912 posts
ta (digs out another buff from pile of 18 buffs) I'll see if I can find one :-D |
Jul 2020
2:47pm, 2 Jul 2020
2,666 posts
Tim of Fife
I will wear a buff to the farm and to the corner shop and pull it up in the unlikely event that I am asked to (either by shop staff or other customers). That's as far as I will go. A compromise.
Jul 2020
2:51pm, 2 Jul 2020
26,930 posts
Tim that is not a compromise - it’s still you not complying with something that has been deemed desirable, Waiting for someone potentially more vulnerable than yourself to challenge you on your non-compliance is disingenuous at best. And that’s it, I’m out of here. |
Jul 2020
2:56pm, 2 Jul 2020
35,441 posts
Thanks for posting HB and for the link.
Jul 2020
2:58pm, 2 Jul 2020
513 posts
When I say use my eyes & ears I mean, as I’ve posted previously- infections dropping, no hospital admissions for 10 days, no family, friends or acquaintances ill since April. I simply can’t accept that the problem is getting worse when that is the evidence I see.
Jul 2020
3:05pm, 2 Jul 2020
16,860 posts
so there is no spike in Leicester or elsewhere in the country?
Jul 2020
3:06pm, 2 Jul 2020
11,401 posts
The problem doesn't have to be getting worse. It's just that the availablilty of scenarios for it to get worse is increasing significantly. It's about preventing it from getting worse. R<1 with lots of shops closed, lots of workplaces closed = no generalised need for masks in shops / buses etc Keeping R<1 with lots of shops open, lots of workplaces open means putting some simple control measures in place - a ying to the yang. |
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