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Christmas Day thread

3 lurkers | 435 watchers
Dec 2020
8:27am, 18 Dec 2020
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Rudolf the RedNosedGroundhog
We've had the same artificial tree bought from John Lewis for about 20 years and it still looks fine. When we had kids all the glass baubles got put away, and the angel for the top got lost, so it was replaced with either a cow, an ostrich or an owl, depending on what the kids choose from their toys.
Dec 2020
8:33am, 18 Dec 2020
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um 🎄
I think real trees have evolved to survive? For manyyears we've had the Nordmann fir ones, supposedly non-drop. And although they do drop, it's hardly any, and still a tree when it's finished.

Not like the ones I remember from my childhood, small needles, and brown/bare by January.

But I suppose we do also have tree containers so we add water throough the first week or so.

Today is probably 'tree' day. We bought it last week, but it's been sat waiting for some time.
Dec 2020
8:48am, 18 Dec 2020
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Wendolene Wobbler
This thread is a great thing to have, we have had a tough year (besides Covid) and I'll be working Christmas Day so will be looking for like minded people for some company! Hope you all have a good one - or as good as you can have :)
Dec 2020
8:49am, 18 Dec 2020
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Just realised this thread is still on my watch list from last year, and probably several years prior to that too!

Regarding trees - I bought a modest sized artificial one a few years ago as my house is very small and it was difficult to find a real one the right size. This year, I was hankering after a real one again as I felt nostalgic for the smell, so luckily found one small enough at my village shop. Also put it up earlier than usual, plus a few lights outside - definitely feeling that we all need the extra cheer this year. But the tree doesn't seem to have the scent that I remember from back in the day - is this something to do with the type of tree? I don't think mine's a Nordman as it wasn't that expensive!
Dec 2020
8:54am, 18 Dec 2020
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We'd normally buy our tree in the last week of November from nearby Delamere forest where they open on a Friday evening with a lovely grotto. Quite magical when the children were small, sometimes with snow on the ground too. That evolved over the last couple of years to bring the first Saturday morning, as we'd parkrun in Delamere and then head to the tree sales. We'd then leave the tree in water in the garden and only put it up around a week before Christmas when school terms end and we can start feeling festive. We took the practical line that all the trees are cut in mid November anyway so we might as well get to pick from a big range and just have it stored ready at home!

This year sadly the forestry commission said it wasn't economically viable to sell trees (coals to Newcastle, anyone?!) so we had to find a new source. Turns out a farmer about 2 miles away from home had planted a few acres about 10 years ago with spruce and they'd started selling the trees - you ramble though their live trees, find one you like and they cut it down then and there, so we've taken the risk that it'll last longer; it's been up since about 6th when the eldest for back from uni.

One thing we've done ever since our first son was aware of Christmas was have a row of 24 "pockets" strung up in lieu of an advent calendar, and that either contain a treat,a little toy or (most disappointingly for the boys!) a character from our Early Learning Centre advent crib scene. Even now with a 21, 18, 14 and 11yo they still fight over whose turn it is to open the pocket!
Dec 2020
9:03am, 18 Dec 2020
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Surrey Phil
We've got the same M & S tree and angel when we got married 26 years ago. The only difference now is that it is full of handmade decorations that the children have made at school over the years.
Dec 2020
9:06am, 18 Dec 2020
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geordie claus
Aw that sounds lovely Larkim my friend in Australia posted pics last week they went for a tree and like your farmer it’s chosen and then cut which feels better to me than the idea of thousands going to waste.

We normally get a forestry commission tree at IKEA of all places but this year went to our local garden centre and it’s the best tree we’ve ever had, we did get one from there many years ago which was also nice, but we get ours quite late normally and they tend to not have any left. Will definitely get from there next year too.

They also had a fab little shop selling locally hand made things got some lovely decorations s so I’m going to pop back today.
Dec 2020
9:09am, 18 Dec 2020
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geordie claus

And on Christmas tree I think I may have got a mention on the fetch tree (🤔) geordie bells is one of my festive fetch names forgot about that
Dec 2020
9:10am, 18 Dec 2020
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ITGrýla 🇮🇸
Hi folks!

We should have been in Italy with the inlaws whom we haven't seen since June 2019. I've not seen my mum since February and the kids were last in Scotland for my dad's funeral in Sep 2019. So we are a bit glum and I fear a few days of teen frustration and bickering, especially as the skislopes are shut and the football training on holiday.

We've invited the parish priest to join us for dinner on the 25th as he is also alone - just as we did when I was a child. My dad was a protestant minister but always ecumenical - hust ad well as I married a catholic. The churches may not hold public services but we might join my mum's church in Scotland online - one surprising perk of Covid.

We'll also have 4 international students for coffee and waffles on 27th as they are all alpmw too. One even hss a husband and little girl.back in Ghana.

I'll no doubt drop in on 25th.
Dec 2020
9:21am, 18 Dec 2020
21,476 posts
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I'll be getting my tree out of the loft tomorrow and putting it up out of kitten Ozzy's way (in the conservatory!)
for the last couple of years we've talked about a new one but haven't done so

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
A Christmas Day thread for anyone that might need company on the day. Give it a follow, folks :-)
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