
46 watchers
Mar 2020
1:29pm, 3 Mar 2020
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He probably did do about 4h running :-)
Mar 2020
1:30pm, 3 Mar 2020
809 posts
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Assume somebody mentioned

Nice archive showing how prevalent it appears to be in some races (American based)
Mar 2020
4:46pm, 3 Mar 2020
6,487 posts
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The only blatant cheating I have been aware of where I took part was a Cardiff parkrun circa 2012. It was spotted by someone in my club who knew that he was in 4th place all the way around behind a GB international 800M runner who he had in sight for all but the last KM. When the results came out he was puzzled to find himself 5th, checking the photos it was apparent that someone joined in during the last KM which has enough curves and tree cover for him not to have noticed. A glance at the person's Power of 10 entry showed that he had done about four parkruns with an interesting habit of being about 2 minutes faster each time. When confronted he said that he was just out for a training run and going through the finish, collecting a finish tag and presenting this with his barcode for scanning was an oversight - I mean who among us has not done the same?
Harder to call things include people "forgetting" that a fell race is partially marked so that route choice is allowed between the marshalling points you have to pass and hence running quite a bit less than everyone else.
Also using the navigation features of GPS watches on fell races that are unmarked and have a navigation element, this is outlawed by WFRA.
Mar 2020
4:57pm, 3 Mar 2020
3,078 posts
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Sweetie, we have someone locally to us who lies about race times, number of races completed, claiming to have run countless ultras etc and also does the same with training, constantly overstating mileage, pace and number of sessions. Seems oblivious to the fact that most of it can be easily checked and always claims gps malfunctions if asked about it.
Mar 2020
9:55am, 4 Mar 2020
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Back to the more interesting question of "why?"
I think there are probably many reasons including:
Ego with people like Litton, Rossi, Julie Miller, Rob Young.
Ambition with someone like Jane Seo.
Fatigue but wanting to "finish" with your elderly course cutters at local cross country events.
With all of them, particularly the last, the denials or excuses when caught infuriate people more than the act itself.
Mar 2020
10:06am, 4 Mar 2020
590 posts
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Sam Jelfs
Had an interesting one at legends, which I would say was boarder-line cheating. A runner running without the maps, and with a borrowed GPS he didn't know how to use. He was basically just following on the tail of other runners, and using them for his navigation. He managed to get to around 300 miles, with less than 20 to go, before getting sufficiently split from all other runners that he couldn't continue, having to drop from the race and be picked up by a safety team sent out to look for him. By that point he had also lost his phone, so it was only thanks to the GPS tracker attached to his bag that anyone knew where he was (including himself!)

A number of runners complained, basically saying that they shouldn't have to act as his guide, and whilst within the rules he was not cheating I think it really goes against the spirit of things. The other runners wouldn't leave him in a dangerous situation, but I do know that one runner, as they were leaving a small town, turned off his head lamp and sprinted away into the distance so as to drop him...
Mar 2020
11:34am, 4 Mar 2020
11,986 posts
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Somebody overtook me on the Boundary Run last weekend by cutting. Route followed a road around a little square, he ran diagonally across the green in the middle. If I'd been going for a time I'd have had a word, frankly, but he looked about 75 and I was the best part of half an hour off a PB, so I just overtook him again.
Mar 2020
12:20pm, 4 Mar 2020
12,667 posts
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Men running with a females number, big bug bearer of mine. You just need to look through finishers photos of big marathons to see how often it happens.
Mar 2020
1:50pm, 4 Mar 2020
29,736 posts
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Anyone running with a number that is not theirs really bugs me.
Mar 2020
8:39pm, 4 Mar 2020
374 posts
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I hate people who cheat in races (or any sport for that matter!), nearly as much as people who don’t clean up their dog’s sh*t!

Both infuriate me! 😡

About This Thread

Maintained by milemonster
Hi All,
I've been interested recently in the psychology of dishonesty, what drives runners to ...

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