May 2020
8:52pm, 23 May 2020
16,833 posts
I made bread and butter pudding earlier but forgot to take a photo before we tucked in. We had the end of the loaf I made the other day leftover - it was a bit hard so I used that. I made proper custard to go with it.
May 2020
8:56pm, 23 May 2020
196 posts
The Pin Lady
Double chocolate sourdough bread made today. It was worth getting my starter up and running again. It may become a family favourite.
May 2020
6:42am, 24 May 2020
2,537 posts
Little Miss Happy
That looks lovely Linds.
Sounds very moreish PL.
May 2020
7:16am, 24 May 2020
23,150 posts
Lizzie W
It was bread that got the oven turned off, luckily it had had 15min at 230 to start, the oven cools slowly, and it was a small loaf, so it was edible. It was sourdough with added yeast. I'm going to start again with Sourdough.
May 2020
9:00am, 24 May 2020
2,539 posts
Little Miss Happy
Good that you could rescue it Lizzie.
May 2020
11:27am, 24 May 2020
4,917 posts
The Scribbler
Baking disaster here last night. I made some chocolate and beetroot muffins using a recipe I wasn't sure of. I was assembling and weighing out ingredients while we were also making tea, so had everything in a bowl ready to mix together and bake once our food was out of the oven.
We ate. I made up the mix, which I thought was a bit stiff and sticky and put it in the oven. It's only after I took them out and tasted one that I saw the sugar that I'd weighed out and forgotten to put in the mix.
I made them with cocoa powder not chocolate, so there's no sweetening in them whatsoever and they taste dry and awful. Anything I can do to use them in something else. I was thinking of blitzing and mixing with ice cream or maybe using as a crumb base with something sweet on top.
May 2020
11:40am, 24 May 2020
42,155 posts
Derby Tup
Crumble topping?
May 2020
12:21pm, 24 May 2020
1,693 posts
How annoying Schribbler ☹️ I can’t think of any remedy .. you might risk throwing more good ingredients in the bin. But crumble topping ( add granulated sugar) might work fine.
May 2020
12:44pm, 24 May 2020
1,694 posts
Dan Lepards Alehouse rolls in the making this morning
May 2020
12:45pm, 24 May 2020
1,695 posts