Mar 2015
11:20am, 31 Mar 2015
1,039 posts
Any Minecrafters on this thread? There have been a few articles in the media recently portraying it as the next great danger to our kids, which surprised me to say the least. I've been playing it on and off since the Alpha days and I never thought it would be a craze among children, it's not exactly instant-graitification.
I don't play it often - the right side of my brain is only useful as a counterweight, and everything I build essentially consists of a series of cubes piled on top of each other. But when I've got nothing else to do of a weekend it's a very enjoyable way to kill a few hours.
Mar 2015
1:37pm, 31 Mar 2015
9,519 posts
JK *chameleon*
My friend brought Minecraft round the other day. I have to confess I just don't get it - we asked him what the point of it all was and he just shrugged and muttered something about crafting.
I read something on the BBC website about it helping autistic kids to express themselves and cope with social stuff - but I think it's all a bit beyond me
Mar 2015
2:15pm, 31 Mar 2015
5,465 posts
My youngest lad plays Minecraft. I've tried to understand it - but I don't. Looks like Computer Lego to me but he assures me there's more to it than that. Can't see it as any great danger to him though. GTA and COD - yes , but not Minecraft
I've often thought of going on it as a griefer but I'm in my 40's and I shouldn't be ruining little kids games
Aug 2015
11:50pm, 4 Aug 2015
1,751 posts
mr d
Went to a Minecraft exhibition, it actually looks really inventive and collaborative.
Aug 2015
11:05am, 5 Aug 2015
2,778 posts
At Rheged? Took the kids to that a couple of weeks back - was really good!
Aug 2015
11:36am, 5 Aug 2015
24,838 posts
Just downloaded Wolf Among Us for new tablet. Not got round to even starting it yet. Was well reviewed. G
Aug 2015
8:56pm, 5 Aug 2015
1,755 posts
mr d
Was Rheged emdee
Aug 2015
9:34pm, 9 Aug 2015
461 posts
I've heard that wolf among us is great, along with the walking dead series of games. I think they were made by the same company.
Aug 2015
9:01am, 10 Aug 2015
305 posts
Scooby Dave
Yeah, PerfectOrganism, they're made by Travellers Tales who have also made a Game of Thrones game and also Tales from the Borderlands.
If you've got a PS4, you can get The Wolf Among Us, Game of Thrones, Tales from the Borderlands and the 2 Walking Dead games as a pack which is great value IMHO. The games are released as episodes and the release dates are a bit random so I prefer to wait and play the whole game through. All of these games tend to have a dip in them with good episodes and not so good ones.
Aug 2015
9:18am, 10 Aug 2015
608 posts
Miniwaveydavey1 plays Minecraft. Mrs WD isn't overly keen - she believes some of the next-great-danger-to-our-kids carp. Although as it was she who got it for him she can't complain too much! I see it as virtual Lego. And the other day he called me over to show me an AND gate he'd made. He's 7 and he's making and understanding AND gates.