Any computer games fans? (we need a gamers icon!)

54 watchers
Mar 2015
5:10pm, 5 Mar 2015
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I used to play computer games once. I'm old now. I quite fancy playing a game occasionally. But I'm durned if I can find one that I'd want to spend any time on. Any tips?!

nerd runs on old PC/laptop (I had a PS2 for my 8 year old who is now 18, so that's 2 generations ago? Forget it!)
nerd or runs on android (phone or tablet - though I haven't actually got a tablet)
nerd vaguely intelligent - not a first person shooter, not a driving or whatev. Some kind of adventure or puzzle or sim or economic thing? Or a platform or running around one but where you have to find things and solve puzzles too.
nerd free would be good! Or low cost. I'm not paying £500 for a console. Nor even £50 for a game! I'd pay £5 or something!
nerd ones I used to like: Stronghold (I like building the windmills and making bread and feeding people and collecting taxes and being liked!); JetSet Willy (what do you mean I'm showing my age); Atic Atak (you're joking, right?!); Beyond Good and Evil; Commander Keen (c'mon, it's a classic) etc.

The only one I play today is Bejewelled Blitz on android phone and Facebook PC. Free, y'see!

Any suggestions welcomed! (I can't believe I've posted this on a public forum. Maybe I should have created a new user... *blushes* ) :-) G
Mar 2015
5:18pm, 5 Mar 2015
6,674 posts
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If you've never played the classic that is Sid Meier's Civilization, you must give it a try (PC). It's an old game that had several revisions right up until recently, just get a version that will run on whatever version of windows you are on.

Be warned, I almost failed my degree from playing it too much...
Mar 2015
5:27pm, 5 Mar 2015
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My son is just about to finish his degree in Computer Games design, and there seems to be no game he doesn't know inside out! I'll show him your post, G, and see if he's got any good suggestions!
Mar 2015
5:36pm, 5 Mar 2015
9,119 posts
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JetSet Willy?! Atic Atak?!!
Y'auld bugger :-P
Mar 2015
5:39pm, 5 Mar 2015
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oh god.. here we go ;)

I used to do that too. Started on Acorn Electron when everyone else had Amstrads and C64s and schools were full of BBC Model Bs. Did some programming on that (thanks to my Dad) of the type it in line by line variety. Software on tape etc.

Moved on to Commodore Amiga and properly geeked out on that during my tweens/early teens. Lots of programming, the odd games cracking, local computer club in a church hall where we'd all lug along our machines and portable tvs and daisychain loads of floppy disk drives together and use xcopy to copy loads and loads of cracked games. Piracy was rife - all stuff downloaded from BBs. I also made a few peripherals myself - soldering iron and bits from maplins (or was it some other long-extinct chain, I can't remember).

Elite, Sensible Soccer and point and click adventure games were particular favourites. Played Civilization - remember that one well.

Console wise I didn't really take part very much.. We had an Atari 2600 for example (when I was very young) and I used to play on various consoles a lot at friends houses (NES, SNES, Megadrive, etc). I remember buying a cheap 3DO when I had a saturday job and playing the Wing Commander games on that (complete with filmed cut scenes) whilst friends had Playstation and N64. I did eventually buy an XBOX but that was hacked with a big hard drive and was mostly used to rip games and films from Lovefilm :)

Come the internet I got into PCs and spent far too much time and money playing an online WWII fighter combat game called Air Attack, one dial-up internet, late 90s, 2000 ish. I was the muts nuts when I got ISDN at home and moved on to Counterstrike.

I stopped once I got a proper job, married, etc. Got a XBOX 360 a couple of years back but barely ever used it - the kids used it more although not a great deal (though they would if I let 'em).

I recently got a raspberry PI and might dabble in some old classic game emulation on that. Maybe.
Mar 2015
5:40pm, 5 Mar 2015
24,235 posts
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Good one Simbil. I remember it, but don't think I ever played it. Is it quick to get into or does it take forever to get going?

Thanks Schnecke. Your son won't have heard of JetSet Willy or Atic Atac, so don't be surprised (1985?) But yes, any suggestions welcomed.

I should probably have added :
nerd "easy to get into", because I really don't end up playing them for hours. I'm talking a bit of a diversion, instead of watching Emerdale or whatever it is that MrsS(rrr) is watching, when I am banished (actually, I choose to exile rather than watch) to the kitchen!

Fanks! :-) G
Mar 2015
5:45pm, 5 Mar 2015
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there are lots of emulators around..I was into them a few years ago, especially for commodore amiga.. the best one was called MAME at the time. No idea what the current state of play is.
Mar 2015
5:54pm, 5 Mar 2015
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I tried the Speccy emulators on the PC, but got very annoyed that they were either too slow, too fast or random speed (which doesn't work when you have to time a jump to perfection in Manic Miner!) Not their fault, probably Windows background tasks doing stuff on my old broken laptop.

Commander Keen was a 1990s fave and which still plays well on PC. But I think I played them all and the derivatives too.

My son and I played the odd game on PS2 when he was under 10 - Monkey Island (a couple?) to completion. They were hilarious and he was just about old enough to get some of the innuendo!

Does anyone remember Sam and Max on the PC. That was surreal and brilliant.

Anyhoo, right, grown up old person's games: Civ (is there a best out of 1 - 5 or whatever it went up to?), maybe Elite (or variation thereof?). Is there a reboot of Stronghold? I tried to find that again, but couldn't. :-) G
Mar 2015
6:15pm, 5 Mar 2015
2,738 posts
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Oh, Football Manager. Will take over your life though!
Mar 2015
6:26pm, 5 Mar 2015
15,776 posts
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Command and Conquer is pretty good fun.

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