Any computer games fans? (we need a gamers icon!)

54 watchers
Mar 2015
7:39pm, 5 Mar 2015
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If you're just wanting to play casual games then stick to games/apps for phones/tablets. The Monkey Island games got really good remakes for the iPhone. It's the same games, but with jazzed up graphics and voice acting. Still great and very good for nostalgia value.
Telltale Games do some superb stuff that you can get for phones and tablets - The Walking Dead is very well regarded and they've recently done a Game of Thrones one. Closest thing in the modern games scene to the old point and click adventures. Puzzle Agent effectively is a point and click adventure.
The original Plants Vs Zombies is a superb and funny tower defence game. The sequel is fine, but they went too far into in-game purchases which just pissed me off. Grr.
Mar 2015
9:52pm, 5 Mar 2015
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mr d
The Total War series is good, the Rome and Medieval ones play well.

Probably old hat now, but I always loved Sim City and Football Manager, I am still gutted a losing that Champions League final with Ipswich. We wuz robbed.
Mar 2015
9:59pm, 5 Mar 2015
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Massive former Civ fan here. But stupidly addictive.
Mar 2015
10:11pm, 5 Mar 2015
24,241 posts
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Never been into football games, nor football management. Some great suggestions here. Jmair, didn't know you could get app versions of Monkey Island. That would be perfect, in so many ways!

What is Sim City again?
Mar 2015
10:23pm, 5 Mar 2015
1,240 posts
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I used to like Command and Conquer too Fetch :-)

How about The Room and it's sequel? It's a great puzzle game!
Mar 2015
10:28pm, 5 Mar 2015
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Not quite the same thing but I'm currently loving Peak, a brain training app. On the free version, you get four different short games each day that (allegedly) develop skills in problem solving,memory, language, multi-tasking, focus, etc in little bite sIzed chunks so you could pick it up and. Put it down as you want. Example: you're given a list of eight exotic cities, then complete a task involving sorting lists alphabetically, then see how many of the city names you can remember.
Mar 2015
10:48pm, 5 Mar 2015
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Coomand and Conquer - used to while away many a night shift on that

Total War is good too - Medieval or Napoleonic
Mar 2015
11:10pm, 5 Mar 2015
1,523 posts
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Another Sid Meier game I loved was Pirates. Spent hours on it. And my favourite game ever? That must be Elite.
Mar 2015
11:30pm, 5 Mar 2015
15,670 posts
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Civ is dangerously addictive. I had to delete it before it cost me a marriage. With hindsight I might just as well have carried on playing :-)

I'm actually surprised to be quite enjoying Boom Beach on the tablet at the moment. I expected it to be crap, but there's just about enough thought/strategy required (in areas such as building your town, creating defensive structures, using resources, attacking others) to make it interesting, while not being so involved that you can't just pick it up for a few minutes and then put it down.

I quite like Doors and Gears as puzzle solving games on the iPad too, but I'm yet to find a good RPG on it. They all seem to formulaic (and limited by the nature of a console?).
Mar 2015
1:17am, 6 Mar 2015
9,470 posts
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JK *chameleon*
Civilization 4 is my favourite. Get the Beyond the Sword Expansion pack. Might be as much as a fiver these days, and you'll get many hours of enjoyment - you can pitch the length of game from short to epicly long...

Big computer game nerd here, although I go more for the easy fun of Mortal Kombat/Soul Calibur or "fun" driving games - Wipeout and Blur are always near my PS3.

I've grown bored of Freemium mobile games, but Alien Hive on Android was worth a quid to remove the ads (like Candy Crush, but good. Candy Crush is f***ing drivel. Please delete it now. Everyone) Doctor Who Legacy is also a damned fine game - and the developers are a friendly bunch who engage well with the players. It's a true Freemium game where a purchase is not at all required.

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