Any computer games fans? (we need a gamers icon!)

54 watchers
Mar 2015
7:48am, 6 Mar 2015
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The Teaboy
I have to put them down or risk losing loads of my life. Was totally addicted to Gran Turismo 1 and 2 in the day. Tony Hawks was also immense. Fifa, Pro Evo, Unreal Tournament, Quake, Colin McRae 2, Tomb Raiders, Championship Manager, WWE Smackdown, Elite, I could go back into the classics of the past... Don't play any games any more for reasons that Flanker suggests!
Mar 2015
5:56pm, 6 Mar 2015
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Some great tips. Thanks fellow nerds! :-) G
Mar 2015
7:31pm, 6 Mar 2015
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Haven't got any sense out of my son yet, although he did say he's read the posts! He has been distracted by the Oculus Rift he's got on loan from Uni - I have never played computer games and have no interest in them, really, but this thing is amazing! I didn't play a game on it, but 'experienced' an underwater environment complete with fishes, a Moray Eel, a whale, some small sharks and, apparently, a HUGE shark that emerges out of the deep and eats you if you're not careful! I didn't dare experience that bit - now feeling slightly nauseous from a sort of motion sickness effect from the VR headset!
Mar 2015
2:18pm, 11 Mar 2015
189 posts
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One i've been playing recently on my ipad (but should be on android too) is 80 days. This is a sort of Phileas Fogg simulator where you play the part of his assistant to help him make his challenge. Its more addictive than it sounds and is fairly well written.
Mar 2015
2:55pm, 11 Mar 2015
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I can testify that not being into football is not a good enough defence against the lure of Football Manager. I knew little more than the most basic rules when I downloaded the FM2011 demo. I am now in my fifth year of total addiction. I've enjoyed Civilisation and other strategy games but Football Manager has a unique appeal... perhaps because it involves individuals rather than cities and armies, and it's easier to insert yourself into the fantasy.

Faster Than Light (FTL) is the other one I'm playing at the moment. It's the closest anyone has come to recreating Star Trek with you as Picard. Basically you have to fly from star to star to flee a pursuing rebel army. At nearly every star you might encounter another ship you have to fight, or some sort of dilemma (e.g. to help a besieged space station, or abandon them so as not to risk your crew).

The challenge is, as usual, about balancing resources and demands - choosing to upgrade shields or weaponry, or to buy a big frickin' laser that tears open a ship's hull or an ion gun that can disable their systems. Or whether you should send crew to repair the life support that has just blown up, or hold them at their posts and cross your fingers that the oxygen won't run out. It's a roguelike, meaning that failure is almost inevitable, but every game is different, and the reward is being a little better and getting a little further each time.

It's not free, but it's usually less than £10 on Steam, and if you like strategy games it's well worth a punt.
Mar 2015
3:09pm, 11 Mar 2015
1,016 posts
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If you liked old-style platform games then Spelunky also has to be recommended. There are two versions: the old version with old-school 8-bit style graphics which I think is free to download, and an "HD" version with prettified visuals and new features. The HD version is far superior but the old version is still a good game in its own right, and worth downloading to try it out.

You play an Indiana Jones rip-off and have to make your way from top to bottom through 16 levels while collecting as much gold as possible. The ultimate goal is not just to finish, but to discover the legendary "City of Gold" and loot it on the way to the end. (How you get to the City of Gold takes a bit of lateral thinking, or you could just read the wiki.) It's a very well constructed 2D platformer. And it's another roguelike, so every level is randomly generated (in a very well-balanced way) and every game is different (but always winnable).
Mar 2015
3:20pm, 11 Mar 2015
2,460 posts
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Clash of the Clans on the tablet is awesome :)
Mar 2015
4:43pm, 11 Mar 2015
24,293 posts
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Just looked at Myst (I last played this in 1990s) and think that might be quite fun to resurrect.

ElDude, that sounds like a fun one. Will look into it. Thanks. :-) G
Mar 2015
4:48pm, 11 Mar 2015
24,294 posts
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Good suggestions Spleen and Dawn, thanks. :-) G
Mar 2015
8:51am, 12 Mar 2015
1,017 posts
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Myst was dire when it came out and has aged badly. If you want a mind-bending puzzle game, try Braid. The final level, which I won't spoil, is on my list of Unforgettable Moments in Gaming.

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