Dec 2020
7:20pm, 23 Dec 2020
311 posts
SteveC amid the winters snow
Thanks again. Still feeling shagged so I had two portions of bread and butter pudding this evening
Dec 2020
10:22am, 28 Dec 2020
3,906 posts
Hello everyone. I’m thinking that PBS are becoming a bit of a stretch now, so thinking about aiming for 70% across distances from 5k to half this year. 5k should be ok, but over never achieved 70% in a half, even when I thought I’d done a really good time, so that will probably be a challenge. Let’s hope we can actually do some races this year!
Dec 2020
8:43pm, 28 Dec 2020
315 posts
SteveC amid the winters snow
I agree with that thought. There is a Runderwear virtual 10 km coming up but I would like to find a virtual half rather than keep waiting.
Dec 2020
8:53pm, 28 Dec 2020
3,499 posts
Good luck with the quest, Dill, and yes, let's hope there will be some chances to go for 70% in real races next year!
Dec 2020
1:12pm, 31 Dec 2020
4,088 posts
A new level of pain in the last 1500m finally got me a sub-20 5K today and a little closer to 70%
I had been stuck at 20:20 since October after taking 2 weeks off in November & then changing my training to a new plan.
The plan today was to try to hold 4:00/KM on average & find a second in the last 250m. It was 0°C this morning, so the park was a lot less busy than normal, so less people / dogs to dodge.
I did grease the wheels a bit with some ergogenic aids known to enhance performance! Not quite Lance Armstrong but next time will tell.
The aids: 1. Nitrate boosting beetroot smoothie for breakfast 24 hours before 2. Strong coffee & chocolate digestive for breakfast, 1 hour before
Result = 19:52 WAVA = 69.49% (19:43 for 70%)
Dec 2020
1:26pm, 31 Dec 2020
3,512 posts
Great attempt, Kieren, did you feel any benefit from the nitrate and caffeine 'doping', do you think?
Dec 2020
1:31pm, 31 Dec 2020
359 posts
Kieren: dark or milk chocolate digestive? Were you wearing magic shoes?
Dec 2020
1:56pm, 31 Dec 2020
322 posts
SteveC amid the winters snow
So close, Kieren! I thought nitrate had to be fairly shortly before the race but maybe my memory is faulty due to lack of glucose having just had a virtual 10 km
Dec 2020
1:56pm, 31 Dec 2020
17,047 posts
The Alex Hutchinson book Endure: Mind, Body and the Curiously Elastic Limits of Human Performance has a chapter (or more) on such performance enhancers and trials show that those taking beetroot juice gain 1%, those doing coffee add 1%, those with better shoes (not the latest Nike gamechangers - but the early Vaporflys), would get 1% and there was a fourth category (something like positive mental imaging), would get 1%, but if you did all 4 together, you still only got 1%, and not the 4% you might imagine, and it suggested that there was therefore a mental component to all of them.
Good running either way!
Dec 2020
1:59pm, 31 Dec 2020
17,048 posts
Beetroot juice is cumulative I believe, so you should take once a day for the 5 days leading up to the race I believe for ultimate benefits.
When I did my sub 20 5k earlier this year, my performance enhancer was the dog, but even so, looking back, he gave me something like 30 seconds on the first mile, and after that it was entirely me 6.30 pace, which is what I normally run unaided, and at times he became a performance impediment (like jumping in the ditch of water at the side of the path).