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70% WAVA

2 lurkers | 62 watchers
Dec 2020
2:00pm, 31 Dec 2020
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SteveC amid the winters snow
I think my mental attitude has a beetroot component, at least according to spectators at summer races.
Dec 2020
3:08pm, 31 Dec 2020
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Goofee: "did you feel any benefit from the nitrate and caffeine 'doping', do you think?"

Yes to both:

Caffeine - I don't take any more than normal but do a morning track session on Tuesday and can feel the difference if I don't have a coffee. Even replacing with tea is more of s struggle.

Beetroot - I read study on it years ago claiming 1% * and had a bet with a friend to run sub-22:30 5K by a deadline or the looser shaves their head. I lost but tested the beetroot theory and found I could run at about 3BPM higher heart rate and get about 12 seconds on 5K back then. For today, I think I got some benefit. Ideally I would have eaten it 48 hours before & again 24 hours before.

There are beetroot sports drinks but I think they taste vile. I usually cook up a beetroot curry recipe from BBC Good Food. We had different dinner plans this week, so I just threw one in with a banana & some blueberries and made a smoothie.

* Apparently it does work for untrained people. Lesser impact for those in good shape or also with high blood nitrates - like if you already eat beetroot or lots of leafy veg.
Dec 2020
3:12pm, 31 Dec 2020
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Q: ZenTaoPlurp: dark or milk chocolate digestive? Were you wearing magic shoes?
A: Haha. Dark chocolate. No magic shoes - I'd like some but the fancy shoes are far too expensive


Q: So close, Kieren! I thought nitrate had to be fairly shortly before the race but maybe my memory is faulty due to lack of glucose having just had a virtual 10 km
A: Thanks. I think it needs at least as long as it takes to (ahem) pass it. Some recommend using beetroot to test how long your digestive system takes as, you can tell by the colour. I think at least 24 hours, ideally loading a few days before.
Dec 2020
3:15pm, 31 Dec 2020
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Chrisull - thats good feedback. The book sounds interesting, I might add it to my list.

I learnt about beetroot from a cycling video / pdf (Sufferfest). They also mentioned beta alanine / baking powder but both can impact your stomach so perhaps not ideal for running.
Dec 2020
3:40pm, 31 Dec 2020
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Congratulations on the sub 20, as good an achievement as a 70 in my book. As soon as actual racing recommences I'm sure you'll smash it
Dec 2020
5:05pm, 31 Dec 2020
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SteveC amid the winters snow
I tried another virtual 10 km today for Oslo Gingerbread 10 km but didn't improve on 71 point something. So my SO decided she would have a go for the same virtual and got a best ever WAVA of 76 and change. Trying hard not to feel gutted 😀 because I have been training while she has been home-office working for months, and only doing darkness runs.
Jan 2021
6:54pm, 14 Jan 2021
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Got it!

Pretty grim this morning - chucking it down and 6 degrees. 95% humidity, so felt warmer.

I was hoping to scape another sub-20 like I did 2 weeks ago & that really hurt but because of the rain, I didn't want to wear too much to get waterlogged / hot so equally didn't want to blow up half way and then walk.

So about 98% effort. My Pegasus shoes don't grip well in the wet, so a little slip on every stride.

Anyway, I managed 5KM this morning in 00:19:42.3, so rounded up to 43 seconds and that comes in at:

70.02% WAVA

Hopefully no new world records to bump me off for a bit but this new super shoes might change that.
Jan 2021
7:10pm, 14 Jan 2021
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Great work, Kieren!

I'll get the sidebar set up for 2021 a bit later, you'll be first on it :-)
Jan 2021
9:39pm, 14 Jan 2021
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Hooray. Thanks.

In my 20s I got to 69.95, so quite thrilled to finally make 70% in my 40s. I'm going to buy a cake, so any success might be short lived
Jan 2021
10:28pm, 14 Jan 2021
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Oh & I suppose as I have made 70% I should share some of what went in. I know when I was planning I was searching for info like this & found a few useful posts on the web to help guide my expectations.

1st thing, everyone has a different journey.

Age 41
Jan 2020 - about 27 minutes for 5K & overweight with knee injury. Had not run consistently since about 2008

Feb - paid to see a physio, knee fixed. I am now a "re-runner". IE, know a bit more than a true beginner but have a high chance of ego getting me injured from turning it up too soon.

2020 Jan 18- April 4- used a beginner 5K plan from Garmin /Greg McMillan. Goal way over optimistic of 22 min 5K in 11 ish weeks. Good points were the structure - my 1st run was only 5 minutes. Bad point is a beginner how are you supposed to know a sensible target. Felt quite beaten up on this plan - might just be a factor of being a beginner & not the plan.


April - November = Jack Daniels Running Formula book. I followed the general fitness "Red" and "Blue" plans. Your training is based on ability today, not a target 12 weeks in future. I much preferred this and was running about 4 hours a week & built up to 30 miles a week. Towards the end I my aerobic system wanted more but joints and muscles couldn't really tolerate much more mileage.

I lost about 1KG a month. My diet is okay. No real changes. The loss was not linear.


2020 November - I ended JD's Blue plan early and started Brooks Hanson Marathon plan. This has less speed work - I just wanted to be able to do some longer training runs through lockdown as I was getting bored of the same loop. I've built up from 4 hours a week to about 7 hours / 50 miles a week in December.


I picked up a minor quad injury in the summer that restricted hard efforts. I stopped doing strides & it took 13 weeks to heal.

I was lucky enought to get a holiday in November where I planned to rest 4-5 days to let the body rest from this new load. However, I didn't run at all. We stayed in a remote location and the only place I could easily run was a fast, twisty road I assessed as unsafe, so I just enjoyed the rest & lost fitness.


I might have got results sooner with more load but I didn't want to be injured during lockdown. I also wasn't so keen on feeling too beaten up. I really enjoy both th Jack Daniel's & Hanson plans from their respective books.

About This Thread

Maintained by Velociraptor
A thread started and structured by Goofee. For those attempting to achieve 70% age grading at a single event, on a GPS-verified training run/time trial, at multiple distances, or as a Fetch standard. Chat encouraged.

starmedalstarchampagne 2025 Roll of Honour champagnestarmedalstar


Individual Performances, in order of appearance

chunkywizard - 5k
Llamadance - 5k
DocM - 5k
Mark J - 5k
Velociraptor - 10k, 5k, half marathon
Ally-C - 5k, 3k
tipsku - 10k
quimby - 5 miles
Goofee - 5k
Fenners-Reborn - 5k
Mrs Jigs - 5k


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