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5k - the no-man's land between 20min and 25min...

129 watchers
May 2008
11:47am, 6 May 2008
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Lumsdoni I'm with you on this, am also getting used to feeling sick and being in pain and have got down to 22:41. I feel I can get under 22 within the next few months but after that I really dont know as I suppose we all have our limits.
May 2008
11:51am, 6 May 2008
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I'll digest the comments in a mo, but before I forget, Snaps has it spot on. I spent the back end of last year and the front end of this running more and more miles more and more slowly. Spot on.
May 2008
11:56am, 6 May 2008
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Interesting, Mic.

In addition to my LSR type caveats (and I take your point), the other reason I try to listen to my HRM simply boils down to my implosion at a 10k last Summer when I went off far too hard. I, frankly, have *no idea* how to pace myself. My estimated VO2Max and all sorts of other things suggest I should be *way* quicker than I am as a runner and I suspect as a cyclist.
May 2008
12:05pm, 6 May 2008
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I am a big fan of MP/HMP pace work inside my long run but NOT every time.

Specific training for 5kms

km reps off long and short recoveries done at RP or slightly quicker

400s/800s done at mile pace
2km reps done at RP off slightly longer recoveries but with a goal of 60 sec recs
Tempo work about 2 miles at 5km pace +10-15 seconds

May 2008
12:10pm, 6 May 2008
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Mic has the race judgement spot on, we spend a lot of time trying to persuade athletes to run their own race.

This is my 10km from Monday I have marked race position

00:03:29 157bpm 167bpm Top 20
00:03:23 169bpm 171bpm Top 15

00:03:15 170bpm 172bpm up to 9th
00:03:22 174bpm 176bpm up to 8th

00:03:24 175bpm 177bpm up to 6th
00:03:16 175bpm 177bpm 6th
00:03:17 177bpm 178bpm 5th
00:03:19 178bpm 179bpm 5th
00:03:16 178bpm 179bpm 5th
00:03:09 181bpm 185bpm 3rd

Belief in your own ability and not worrying about the early pace of other runners is crucial. The chap who finished 4th can nail me over 5kms so I let him go early and let the race unfold. For the first 3kms I was jogging along and I only really started to work hard from about 7kms.
May 2008
12:12pm, 6 May 2008
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Cool, Gobes. What are your resting and HRM numbers?
May 2008
12:13pm, 6 May 2008
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and sometimes so do you Mic as listed above something we both agree on.

Forgot to say I always train again the same day of a long run but not something you recommend to everyone.

This brings me back to my original comment that most people would run better and faster by improving efficiency by just "doing more miles" at a steady pace using a pace chart or dread to say it an HRM to control the effort level.
May 2008
12:14pm, 6 May 2008
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Greg, please it is GOBI !!!!!

RHR is 36 when done true resting 41 when up and about I calculate training off 41. My max this year is 185!!

I'm 37 so very happy with the MAX

May 2008
12:17pm, 6 May 2008
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I'm assuming the 'at a steady pace' but in there is important. I mindlessly cranked out 5 and a bit miles at almost 10mm pace yesterday and I suspect it achieved exactly what it was meant to achieve, which was a tick in the box next to 'Monday - run 5' in my plan. And bugger all else.

There's a limit to how many 'more miles' I can do on 6-or-so hours training a week across all three disciplines, even if it is supplemented by 30-40 miles a week cycling to and from work/church.
May 2008
12:17pm, 6 May 2008
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Re running slowly, I was in a similar position last year, thinking I was getting slower and slower, but then again I was training for my FIRST marathon, and frankly going from one half marathon to finishing a marathon for me was THE big deal.

And I look back now and think I built the right base for me to hone my training now. I ran 1000m in 2007, mostly at 70% WHR pre and post Marathon. I then had a break, and this year have been putting 85% sessions in one or twice a week and have seen huge improvements (for me) both physically AND mentally in terms of knowing what is possible etc. Hindsight is a wonderful thing but when I joined Fetch a lot of people said that you needed the base built before you went for the speed and I agree now. Whilst I could do it last year, this year I recover quicker from speed sessions. Looking forward to attacking sub 22 this year.

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