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5k - the no-man's land between 20min and 25min...

129 watchers
May 2008
4:58pm, 5 May 2008
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Hoping to join no mans land in august when i do swansea bay 5k. Few years since i did a 5k but as i did a 10k in 49 in feb im very hopeful of getting sub 25.
May 2008
5:48pm, 5 May 2008
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I'm in a *very* bad place coming back from injury. Looking at well he wrong side of 25 mins at Eton unless a miracle happens in the next fortnight.
May 2008
6:05pm, 5 May 2008
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Big Al Widepants
I've got a 5K this weekend in Dunfermline but just trying to get close to 22 mins rather than an all out pb attempt.
May 2008
7:42am, 6 May 2008
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hello, looks a good little thread. i just managed to dip under 22 in the last 5k i did and would so love to go under 20, but it looks a little intimidating when you break it down into mile per minute pace targets. in theory i'm not opposed to running so fast that i throw up, but i would like it to happen at the end of the race, rather than the middle. bit of a shortage of 5k races round my way at the moment, but the portsmouth prom series looks possible.

maybe we should have a proper "look in the box on the right hand side" group for this?
May 2008
7:42am, 6 May 2008
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I see that Gobi did run harder yesterday. Must have been trying to see if he could puke blood :-)

mic - useful posts, both, thanks, you mention the psychology of it - lots of people find that when they get to about 4k a little voice tells them to stop, this is hurting too much, "why am I doing this?". But forewarned is forarmed, and heck, there's only 1k to go ...

Our club does 5k time trials once a month. There is a table to show which running group you belong to according to your 5k time. It is amazing how few people run the time trials; i Mrs S's group about 8 have done them this year (out of 60 people). Why? After all, they have been doing 25 minutes of tempo work every Monday since December ... the answer is that they are afraid they won't make the target. And I'm afraid they wouldn't. Of the 8 who've done a TT only two made the cut-off point (26 minutes). They don't want to hear that they don't belong in the group, and they are afraid of busting a gut to get a result ... The same applies to the faster groups. I don't think anyone in the next group up has done a TT this year, and only a handful from the next group ... It is a scary distance for some.
May 2008
7:46am, 6 May 2008
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hope no-one minds, but i've made a group. look right. of course, it doesnt make a huge amount of difference, but it doesnt hurt...
May 2008
7:57am, 6 May 2008
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Yorkshire Pie (YP1)
I'll join you. My PB is about 22:30, so I'm well and truly in the middle of no mans land. I keep on meaning to go down to the local time trial, but it hasn't really fit in well with marathon training. Hopefully once I'm over that I'll be able to have a bit more of a bash at getting it down, below 22 is the first target then we'll takeit from there.
May 2008
8:01am, 6 May 2008
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mic - can you repost your posts to the group page maybe?
May 2008
8:05am, 6 May 2008
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Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
Hello thread. Interesting stuff there Mic. I think I will give that 500m reps sesh a go and see what happens! I think I am definitely in the school of thought that pain is not part of the pleasure of running. So when I start to feel pain i.e. when you get faster, I will slow down (or stop as witnessed!) and I have blown many chances to get a better time at 5k and 10k...
May 2008
8:30am, 6 May 2008
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I'm okay with pain for a short period, but 22 mins isn't on the agenda, unless I can see the science. Do we perhaps have a %WHR number I can ponder?

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