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5k - the no-man's land between 20min and 25min...

129 watchers
May 2008
8:31pm, 4 May 2008
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Cheers aubern and daniel, I think!

The race is race 1 in a series of 3 over the summer, so number 1 will be a yardstick and hopefully I can refine my technique in the next two. I'm all about endurance rather than speed so should be interesting!
May 2008
8:36pm, 4 May 2008
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i live in that 'no man's land' too. At 24.XX i expect to live there forever.
May 2008
8:37pm, 4 May 2008
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You're allowed to puke at the end of the race, Hendo. ;)
May 2008
8:48pm, 4 May 2008
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Paul S
i'll be running my first 5k on saturday 10th may. Hoping to do it in under 23:00.
May 2008
8:57pm, 4 May 2008
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I hope to join this group soon, although i do have a sub 25 5km thats back in 2005, i haven't come anywhere close since
Hendo - i find Daniels Vdot tables quite accurate fir me anyway going on your 10km pb i reckon a time of 21:51 so just outside 7 min mile pace,

i thought puking was required
May 2008
9:08pm, 4 May 2008
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Cheers Pammie - 7mm it is then!

Sub 22 would be a cracking start for me I think, will try not to puke though!
May 2008
9:11pm, 4 May 2008
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Rach E
Aubernette, I think we all get stuck in a no-mans land, whatever pace we run our races. I got stuck in a 19:xx no-mans land with 5ks for a while, and managed to break it by introducing kilometre reps and 500m reps (off short recoveries) at anticipated race pace really helped me.

Increasing mileage also paid absolute dividends. My time is quite limited, so by introducing some double/triple days into my schedule I was able to get my mileage up with very little stress (I reduced my 10k time by six minutes in the same number of months!).
May 2008
9:13pm, 4 May 2008
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Rach E
Hendo, Sub-22 should be very doable for you given your 10k time.
May 2008
9:16pm, 4 May 2008
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10k was a bad day too to be fair! Fear of the unknown at the moment. Did a hillyish muddy twisty 5 mile race two weeks ago in 36:08, so what's that.... 7:14 pace.

Yep 7mm is my goal, see how it goes.
May 2008
9:19pm, 4 May 2008
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Thanks Rach - what recoveries were you using with the kilometre and 500m reps? My main gripe with the track sessions I am doing at the moment is that the recoveries are too generous (instead of giving a time, the schedule just says "jog half the length of the interval" so if you run 1,200 you then get to jog 600m...fine, but by jogging 600m I am recovering completely. I don't care if shorter recoveries hurt if they make my times come down :P

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