May 2008
12:33pm, 9 May 2008
1,390 posts
Big Al Widepants
IanM: pain - "sort of comforting"
You sick mutha.
May 2008
12:34pm, 9 May 2008
859 posts
Thanks, BAW. I didn't like to say.
May 2008
12:37pm, 9 May 2008
13,841 posts
It is true though. When I'm really feeling on form I get a proper rush with the pain and feel like I could run forever. Of course it's short lived but it's great when you get two or three rushes like that during a race, it makes you want more. It's the adrenaline.
May 2008
12:52pm, 9 May 2008
861 posts
Which begs the question - if a run is unpleasant at the time but you feel great afterwards, how do you log 'state of mind' on Fetch?
May 2008
12:55pm, 9 May 2008
4,448 posts
Ahh the eternal dilemma. I tend to stick with how i felt during the run. Hence i get grumpy faces with notes like "Best ever HR!!" or "Fastest time for this loop!"
May 2008
1:03pm, 9 May 2008
2,104 posts
May 2008
1:25pm, 9 May 2008
18,938 posts
could be the only time for months
May 2008
1:44pm, 9 May 2008
6,127 posts
Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
Well it's a little difficult for us to get up there anyway at the mo - so a few months won't matter. I am VERY sure that I will see you before then...
Greg - State of Mind?? Log it as Top of the World!!! (because you will have run so fast that you get a new PB!)
May 2008
2:33pm, 9 May 2008
18,944 posts
lol Boo I have run PBs and been very unhappy
May 2008
2:38pm, 9 May 2008
6,129 posts
Mrs BooBoo LaBoy
I know Gobi - I have been there remember! - but I think that for people in the early stages of running, they shouldn't get disheartened too much. I think that's why people give up running all the time. Do you get where I am coming from?