365 hours training in 2011 :-)

1 lurker | 16 watchers
Jan 2011
2:54pm, 16 Jan 2011
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The Terminator
A good weekend has taken me up to 14.9 hours. :-)
Jan 2011
3:09pm, 16 Jan 2011
1,698 posts
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Mine has also gone up to 14.47hrs :-)
Jan 2011
3:21pm, 16 Jan 2011
1,355 posts
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Just spotted this, good idea :-)G. Did 344 hours last year so will try and up that to 400 this year, that should keep me cross training. Have done 18:18 hours so far :-)
Jan 2011
3:29pm, 16 Jan 2011
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Taken myself off the 1000 thread and do hope to be able to x-train again tomorrow.
This seems like a healthier and less injury inducing way to go for me. :)
Jan 2011
5:30pm, 16 Jan 2011
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Little update on my stats. currently 29:49 hours of training :-)
Jan 2011
6:17pm, 16 Jan 2011
12,917 posts
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Not sure how to track this now. Too popular!! Just going back and looking at everyone's updates will never do. How do the "1000 miles in..." threads work?

I'll create a group like The Terminator said. We can then all update the group and I could paste the list into the thread header periodically? I like it all to be up in the thread header because it is a nice, obvious way of seeing who's in and how everyone's doing. Motivating (when one's behind!), inspiring (seeing those doing well) etc.

If in the group you put as your update:
Name - - Target - - - Total so far - - - Date, then we could sort of see where we are? As long as there are no other notes in the group notes, then I could just copy and paste?

Hmm, whaddaya think? :-)G
Jan 2011
6:32pm, 16 Jan 2011
1,219 posts
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I'm now logging my cross training in Fetch training log. I wonder if, like we have the mileage target, we can ask Lord Fetch for a time target also to be added which then shows you whether you are up are down on that like the mileage one does. It would mean everyone has to log everything there but then most people are logging their runs, bikes, swims anyway aren't they?
Jan 2011
6:32pm, 16 Jan 2011
12,918 posts
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Just looked at Group format and actually, you don't even need to put your name, as Lord Fetch has it so it says, "Name says: ... " e.g. from Garm Forerunner group:

Mikuro says: my 305

Carrickbob says: I've had my Forerunner 301 for over two years now and I think it's brilliant!
CanaryYellow says: Original garmin died, now on 2nd garmin named Little Red.

Bully Beef says: I Luv my Garmin 305!!


So just put in

- - - Target - - - Current Total - - - Date

That'll work. But it does require you to do it guys, not me. We can all chat in here as much as we like, but the list is in the group. Go join and put your updates in whenever you can and want to:


Remember, your total training time is listed at the end of your training log. :-)G
Jan 2011
6:33pm, 16 Jan 2011
12,919 posts
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Loca, yeah, good plan. I sent a feedback request for that feature on Friday. No reply yet (!) but Lord Fetch is a busy man etc. etc. (grovel, grovel, pleaaase can we have a Target Training Time, Lord Fetch?!) :-)G
Jan 2011
6:35pm, 16 Jan 2011
1,220 posts
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Have to say, I think this will really help me. I won't be tempted to skimp on the cross training in the gym any more!!!

About This Thread

Maintained by Legless
A thread for those feeling left out by all the "1000 miles in 2011" threads etc Let's track Hours instead of Miles!


To get your name in lights here on the thread header, please join the group, then keep a note of your target and progress in there. I'll copy it in here periodically!

Hour targets...
Target . . . Aug ... Sept ....... Oct ..........Nov
% . . . 66.6% ... 74.8% ...... 83.3% .....91.8%
200 . . . 133.2 ... 149.6 ....... 166.6 ......183.6
250 . . . 166.5 ... 187.0 ...... 208.25 ......229.5
300 . . . 199.8 ... 224.4 ....... 249.9 ..... 275.4
365 . . . 243.1 ... 273.02 ..... 304.0 ...... 335.1
400 . . . 266.4 ... 299.2 ...... 333.2 ..... 367.2
500 . . . 333.0 ... 374.0 ....... 416.5 ..... 459.0

Remember, you can set your own target. Doesn't have to be 365 hours. Doesn't even have to be annual. Could be, "I will do 20 hours training in March." or "I will average 3 hours a week for the next 3 months." or "I will do 150 hours for the rest of the year." or whatever. You decide it, plan it, state it, then let's all go do it!!

Merry Christmas and HappyNewG(rrr) says: 400 ......... 449:14 (112.3%) .........18 Dec 2011 (96.4%)
Tis the season to be Legless says: 500.......589:18(117.88%)............30 dec 2011 (99.72%) D364 +18.16%
Loca says: 570.............570:19.............11 Dec 2011...Target achieved 600 hours by 31st Dec??? Gonna Try!
plodding hippo says: plodding hippo - - - 500---452 Dec 27th
The Scribbler says: 250.....268.24....27 Dec 2011
Anna Bomb says: 365 ..............321:23 (88.1%) .......... 29 Nov 2011 (92%)
sioUx says: 300hrs...... 270 (90%) ...... 16 Dec (96%) (d350)
Jingle Bell Jerboa says: New target - 150 hours. Have now done 130......7 Dec 2011

AngusClydesdale says: 200............189:02............29 Dec 11. Day 363. Close, but no cigar........
Dvorak says: 300 .... 297.31 ..... 29 Dec 2011 OMG
shyfire says: Hoping aboard for 2012 ........350 ....

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