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1000 miles in 2019

1 lurker | 30 watchers
Aug 2019
9:38am, 28 Aug 2019
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The last time I went into the woodland near where I live with my wife, we spent hundreds of metres bashing brambles, nettles and the like away from what was once a pathway. The training benefit was for my arms and nothing else! I overall prefer off road wherever it is, not so much for the surface but for the relative peace and quiet and less people around, sometimes there are none. So most of my runs are on man made dirt packed trails along a river but of course there's the inevitable mile to get to it. In my racing days most of my running was on tarmac as were the races, the pace was faster needless to say.
I only ran a bit over a mile this morning because of early morning schedule to keep but my pace was disappointing but that's the way it's likely to remain--my non-responsive left leg just doesn't give me any worthwhile push-off, I'm putting in the cardo effort but with no good output by the rest of the machine!
Aug 2019
3:50pm, 28 Aug 2019
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Steve, it's always frustrating to discover what was once a pathway or trail, has become overgrown and almost impassible.
As you will have gathered from my earlier posts, I much prefer running off road. My early training and racing was on the Southampton Running Track and roads. This was in my faster racing days, the same as you. I haven't done a road race since my injury in 2017, but a fair number of off roaders/multi terrain.
Well done persisting with your running, coping with a non responsive left leg. Do you do any cycling/spinning to help with your cardio?

I did a shorter run in the forest this morning, which included 4 x round a hilly circuit.
Aug 2019
11:09am, 29 Aug 2019
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I much prefer trail running to road.

Just shy of 7 miles yesterday on the Fife Coastal Path.
Seem to have started a small running group at work. That's 2 weeks running we've run out from Rosyth along the Coastal Path. Hopefully now a regular outing :-)
Aug 2019
11:38am, 29 Aug 2019
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So, I've just tripped and fallen over a tree root. At the edge of a tarmac path, ironically in the light of earlier comments.

The word "Ow" is not enough! Scraped cut and bruised... with a suspicious lump just below my elbow. Watch this space.

10 miles before, 1 mile walk after and run carefully the shortest possible route home (3 miles).

Ibuprofen and gentle days ahead.
Aug 2019
12:34pm, 29 Aug 2019
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Suspicious lumps sometimes don't go after a fall Mark! I fell hard during a road race in the 1980's, a swelling happened on my knee and which persists to this day; never any pain but apparently calcification of the bone so I wouldn't look good in a short skirt! Running shorts are ok though!!
No I don't do cycling /spin worth any cardo hillstrider--the same principle concerning my leg applies to cycling, I can't stand on the pedals because my leg just collapses. It's been a frustrating twenty five years!!
Aug 2019
3:46pm, 29 Aug 2019
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Hill run then reservoir swim.
Sort of rest day tomorrow maybe, before planned back to back halves at weekend.

Hope it's just a nasty bruise MMM. When's York?
Aug 2019
5:09pm, 29 Aug 2019
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Dave_K, well done setting up a regular running group along the Coastal Path.

Marky, ouch! sounds like a nasty fall, although no falls are nice. Hope it won't be long before you are "up to speed" again.

Steve, I hadn't thought about cycling causing the same problems as running. I don't stand on the pedals though, as I'm still cautious about my knee, even though it seems to be ok. When the other "spinners" are instructed to stand, I remain seated. The Instructors are aware of the reason why, as I informed them of my injury when I joined the class a couple of years ago.

PeterFay, sounds like an energetic couple of sessions today. Are you training for any specific races?

I ran 8 miles in the forest this morning. It was meant to be a steady run, but didn't go quite to plan. At about 5 miles, I saw a club mate who had just finished a club social run, which was only about 3.5 miles, and very slow. He decided to continue running with me, until he reached the car park. It developed into a nearly 2 mile burn up, much quicker than I had intended. When he turned off, I was able to slow down a bit!
Aug 2019
11:11pm, 29 Aug 2019
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Thanks all. I have until mid October to recover and get back to fitness if needed, but actually it's not so bad as it looks, thankfully!

The lump swelled and changed shape throughout the afternoon and is now just a whacking great bruise. Both elbows and my eyebrow/forehead are very tender, and I shall be standing well to the back in wedding photos this weekend! It's mostly just gravel rash, but there is quite a deep scrape which has refilled with stuff this afternoon and now set a nice black scab.

Onward and upward!
Aug 2019
9:22am, 30 Aug 2019
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Sounds quite a set of scrapes etc Marky!
That's an excellent session hillstrider, who needs intervals etc when you can throw in a tempo (?) effort at the end of a long (longish for you!) run!
Aug 2019
9:53am, 30 Aug 2019
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Fenland Flier
Some great running going on folks and what did I do with those plans for stabilisers for runners? Hope you mend quickly Mark.

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