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1000 miles in 2019

1 lurker | 30 watchers
Aug 2019
10:53am, 25 Aug 2019
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HS - my midlife crisis car is a Mini Cooper Convertible in British Racing Green. Taking delivery of a convertible in November is not ideal!

14.4 miles this morning in London felt like hard work after my fastest ever parkrun yesterday morning.
Aug 2019
12:40pm, 25 Aug 2019
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Tom Robb Memorial Race yesterday. 7 mile trail race in Carron Valley. Virtually no flat bits. 1200ft of ascent.
Very pleased to run 1hr 3mins :-)
Aug 2019
5:54pm, 25 Aug 2019
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MrsB, that sounds like a dream car. I didn't have you down as a girl racer lol. My first driving lessons, back in the sixties, were in one of the early minis, which were very primitive, compared with the current models. The most sporty car that I have owned was a Triumph Vitesse, which I believe was 1750 ccs.
Well done running that far this morning in London, where it must have been extremely hot, especially after achieving a parkrun pb the day before.

Dave_K, that's very impressive, especially over such a hilly course, very well done!

I ran 11.25 miles in the forest this morning with 4 club mates. It was very hot, and the course was very hilly. Needless to say, we took it easy, as our half and full mixed terrain marathons are only two weeks away.

England have won the Test Match against all the odds, a fantastic come back!!!
Aug 2019
1:03am, 26 Aug 2019
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HS, I’ve spent the past 22 years driving sensible cars that seat eleventy-billion children and are impossible to park on the street in London/take great care to park in standard UK car park spaces. Prior to that we had no car (while living in London) but as a teenager/in my early twenties I had a series of daft cars (Alfa Spider Convertible in bright yellow being a highlight when it decided to start).

In other news - still can’t believe I managed a PB with a hangover!
Aug 2019
9:37am, 26 Aug 2019
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My contribution to the environmental crisis is having no car now and not wanting one. Nice car Mrsb. Time to ditch the hangover things though! Well run on the pb, you're continuing to push that poor body to its limits aintcha?!
My foot injury seems to have healed and a "try out" of a single mile this morning was pleasant in the mist. If the pain doesn't return then I'll be back chasing the red heart after having stalled.
Aug 2019
9:39am, 26 Aug 2019
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just noticed that you're consolidating that top of the pile position very nicely hillstrider.
Aug 2019
4:08pm, 26 Aug 2019
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MrsB, all my early cars were cheap and nasty and needed lots doing to them. Thankfully I was quite good at undertaking repairs and servicing etc. A speciality was filling holes in the bodywork with Davids Isopan and wire mesh. The only problem was that the touch up paint never completely matched the existing colour.
Well done achieving a parkrun pb with a hangover. Hope the hangover cleared after the run?

Steve, good news that your foot injury seems to have healed. Hope you will soon be chasing the red heart again. I can't believe that I'm so far ahead in the league table. I don't know how long it will last.

This mornings run in the forest, in the heat, was really tough after yesterdays long, hilly forest run. I managed a fairly average pace running 7.5 miles.
Aug 2019
10:02am, 27 Aug 2019
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Those forest runs sound the real deal hillstrider--I have a small wood just 1.5 miles away from home and where I start my run and on rare occasion I venture into it. Trouble is that it is very unmanaged with too much undergrowth to make for flowing running. It is an "ancient wood" which you'd think would be taken care of.
Back into the swing of things again I think with no pains anywhere now!
Aug 2019
11:04am, 27 Aug 2019
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Good news, Steve.

Running on trails in woodland/forest is very different from hacking through unmanaged woods.... Most "ancient" woodlands is very lightly managed I find! I tend to not go for either variety though, since I prefer the (alleged) flatness and smoothness of tarmac. (I can trip over on anything, even a leaf!) I know the trails are good for strengthening though.

Well done MrsB. :-)

I'm sure there was a discussion on the over-50s around our first cars (rustbuckets/ mechanical nightmares!)
Aug 2019
3:40pm, 27 Aug 2019
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Steve, the New Forest was created for Henry the Eighth, I believe, where he went deer hunting. It is great for training as there are many trails, but also more "challenging" areas if one feels so inclined.
Glad to hear that you appear to be pain free now.

Marky, I agree that there is a big difference, and there doesn't appear to be any training benefits running, or attempting to run through unmanaged woods.
I prefer running off road these days, and have been nicknamed "Forest Gump" by my clubmates. I haven't raced on roads since my injury in June 2017.

I attended my spin class this morning after an absence of 3 weeks. I've been concentrating more on my running training. It was a tough session, but made a break from running in the heat. The spin studio is air conditioned and also has powerful fans in each corner.

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