Aug 2019
8:20am, 17 Aug 2019
9,463 posts
Well done Peter. Softly slowly catches Marky!
Aug 2019
9:53am, 17 Aug 2019
3,380 posts
Good that you're back Peter.
Nice soggy trails after yesterday's continuous rain and a real autumn feel out there. Good for running in!
Aug 2019
12:39pm, 17 Aug 2019
8,329 posts
parkrun run. Bit slower than usual. Bit "hung over" after boat trip home yesterday evening.
Aug 2019
5:39pm, 17 Aug 2019
5,504 posts
Well done Peter, good that you are back.
Steve, well done running the trails after yesterdays torrential rain.
I ran a slow 8 mile road run with a club mate this morning. I would have run in the forest, but she didn't have trail shoes so we did road instead. I will do a forest run tomorrow, probably alone. Two of my running friends who are doing the New forest marathon on 8th September are running 20 miles. This will be their third 20 miler on successive Sundays, but they have ignored advice not to run so far, with the race only 3 weeks away.
Aug 2019
11:42am, 18 Aug 2019
3,335 posts
Welcome back Peter!
I had a lovely run at Milton Keynes parkrun yesterday (half way between my house and my mum's and my youngest wanted to go and stay with her). Today I ran 13 miserable miles and just didn't enjoy any of it. Ho hum, at least it is done.
Aug 2019
12:10pm, 18 Aug 2019
3,336 posts
Hillstrider - I see you are top of the league again!
I have 7 miles to reach 1,000.....
Aug 2019
5:33pm, 18 Aug 2019
5,505 posts
MrrsB, the weather was terrible this morning. I set off at 8.40am and the rain was torrential. It did ease off eventually, but obviously I was already soaked to the skin. I had intended running 13 miles, but I was feeling so wretched that I cut it short at 9 miles. Well done for running 13 miles in adverse conditions. You are so close now to the 1000 miles, so the next run will do it.
I don't know how long I will stay at the top, as I will be tapering for the New Forest Half Marathon on 8th September. My colleagues who I mentioned in my previous post actually ran 21 miles today. I'm sure that they will regret it.
Aug 2019
6:47pm, 18 Aug 2019
744 posts
Lots of good running folks
8 miles for me today. Bit wet & windy in parts.
Longest run for a while. Nice & steady
Aug 2019
9:51am, 19 Aug 2019
3,382 posts
You've done incredibly well Mrsb--that 1,000 near enough can have an easy few months now!!
Nice to see you sitting on the top of the pile hillstrider--I chuckle at the " cutting short at 9 miles"...for obvious reasons! Well run Dave_K, eight would be great for me right now! At last the wind has gone again and we're forecast another heatwave!
Aug 2019
11:23am, 19 Aug 2019
8,335 posts
7 miles yesterday but on water (kayaking)