Dec 2018
2:27pm, 13 Dec 2018
976 posts
Festive Flier
Dave-K hard luck with it not going well but Steve is right with the lack of overall mileage, however I'm pleased you enjoyed it. I'd love to have done Malaga again but I'm unable to get time off in December with my new job, (started 18 months ago).
Welcome back AndrewD as long as you're still running, 1000 miles is only a target.
hillstrider, I know nothing about beep tests.
Evangel, good luck with your amended target.
Dec 2018
3:10pm, 13 Dec 2018
978 posts
Festive Flier
I've just looked at my mileage, currently 1657, my highest mileage ever (2016 was 1349). I considered at the beginning of the week trying to reach 1800 before the end of the year. Over the last couple of days I decided that a bit of r and r is more important because of being so busy at work, not helped with the later finishes and getting up later.
I've missed a lot of planned runs this year and know that I would have exceeded that 1800 if I'd managed them all and that's not bad considering my aim was 1000 and maybe 1200.
My target for next year will be 1000 so I shall still be here with you all next year, if you'll have me, but a more optimistic target of 1800 I think is actually more realistic not optimistic depending on marathon training and how my running mojo is.
In fact 1800 isn't a target, it's a possibility dependent upon my running.
Dec 2018
10:14am, 14 Dec 2018
5,252 posts
Morning all,
Hi AndrewD, welcome back. Good luck with your running and hopefully you will achieve your 1000 mile target next year.
Fulcarius, thanks for the link for more beep test information.
FF, If you haven't ever tried the beep tests, then I wouldn't worry. They are mainly beneficial for those wishing to increase pace for shorter distance races. I was in my forties when I used to do them, and that was the decade when I set all my pb's. Good luck with your mileage next year, I think you should achieve 1800 or more, injuries and life etc permitting. I started logging my mileage on fetch in 2007, and my highest annual mileage was 1899 in 2013.
My cold is still hanging on and I haven't run since Monday 3rd December. I've slipped right down the league table, but hopefully will make up for it next year.
Dec 2018
10:20am, 14 Dec 2018
979 posts
Festive Flier
hillstrider I might find out more about beep test for track running then. At least you’ve achieved your 1000 target.
Dec 2018
12:00pm, 14 Dec 2018
5,253 posts
FF, yes I definitely recommend beep test for track running/racing. I think I said in an earlier post that we used a tape recorder for our sessions. It was copied from the one used by a hockey team. According to the link, there are apps available for beep tests. We used to continue until the last one dropped out. They are tough, but very competitive to see what level cold be achieved. Good luck if you try it out, it's guaranteed to produce results 🏃♂️
Dec 2018
7:30pm, 14 Dec 2018
980 posts
Festive Flier
hs I've been doing a tempo and interval session alongside a long run each week for the last few weeks with the aim of improving my 5k time.
I'm hoping to be able to attend a Fetchmile next year and would love to beat my track times as I was slower this year than last and would love to do a sub 6 mm. I suppose deep down I'd love to do a 5k at sub 6 mm but I am at least realistic to that pipe dream, my aim is a sub 20 min 5k, and there's still a long way to go for that.
Dec 2018
10:48pm, 14 Dec 2018
2,836 posts
FF, I've been looking at your times, and I notice that your 5K & 10K PBs were set this year and your mile last year. It seems that a sub-6 min. ml. should be easily doable; for a sub-20 min. 5K, that's more challenging as you've got over a minute to knock off. I would suggest that you try a set of 3 mile-repeats in under 6:15, with say 2 minutes walk or jog recovery - I prefer a slow jog; repeat this session every 2-3 weeks. As the session gradually feels easier, you can reduce the recovery by say 20-30 seconds. To do the 5K in 20 mins. you need to average 6:26 / ml. On other weeks do tempo runs or long intervals (800-1200m.)
On your other weekly quality session, work on improving your mile pace, with shorter intervals of 200-600m., and an occasional Time Trial. On one of your easier paced runs, throw in 4-6 strides of say 40-80 m.
Barring injury and 'life' getting in the way, both aims should be possible in 2019.
Dec 2018
11:59pm, 14 Dec 2018
190 posts
A sub-20 5k is one of my goals as well. I was not that far off it in Summer when did 20:36 but I got tonsillitis the week after and have not quite got it back down there since.
I don't do intervals as I am too simple. My idea of training is running my favourite 3k route as fast as I can and do another 3k sraight after as recovery. Which is why it is always my legs rather than breathing that lets me down. I need to mix my training up a bit (hills and tempo runs ect) and I will probably get there.
Maybe I will have a proper go at it rather than try ran parkrun at near max effort pretty much every week.
Dec 2018
6:42am, 15 Dec 2018
981 posts
Festive Flier
Thanks Evangel I shall bear that in mind for after marathon training. Something to consider from next May onwards. I’ve taken a screenshot so I can find it for reference. 😀
Dec 2018
10:56am, 15 Dec 2018
2,961 posts
You've done bloody well FF especially at your grand oldish age! Evangel's thoughts about you speeding up on your mile are certainly worth trying but..those few seconds are pretty hard to knock off as the decades tick by. I did my best mile in 5.40 when I was running 37 mins for 10k, 62 mins for 10 miles, 1.21 best for a Half and I found the mile was the worst experience of all! I would guess that if you really want to improve your mile time then things like marathons go out of the window for a while...